Hills South of Santiago, reverse

Description: Santiago - Hills South of Santiago showing Blockhouse and large tent camp in distance, reverse. Text reads: 6554. Geography. - Santiago de Cuba, a city and seaport of Cuba, is located on the south coast at the east end of the island and is, next to Havana, the most important city of the Republic. Its population in 1907 was 45,470. We are standing on a promontory near the southern outskirts of the city. History. - Biography. - In the distance are the tents of the American army. The soldiers encamped here were landed June 20-24, 1898, some at Daiquiri, fifteen miles east of the same city. They were safely disembarked, being protected by Cuban troops under General Garcia and by guns from the American warships. Since there were but few tugs and lighters, the landing supplies, artillery and some 2,000 animals, was accomplished under difficulties. On its march toward Santiago the American Army of liberation met its first great opposition at El Caney, a suburban village about three miles northeast of Santiago, where there was severe fighting, the Spaniards under General Vera de Rey making a brave defence behind their stone blockhouses. They were finally forced to yield, and their leaders killed. This was on July 1st. The next day the Rough Riders under Colonel Roosevelt made their famous capture of San Juan Hill, four miles southeast of us down the valley. Among those who distinguished themselves at El Caney were Generals Lawton, Chaffee, Ludlow and Miles. General Shafter planned the whole campaign. Literature. - Elbert Hubbard's 'Message to Garcia' derives its text from an episode in this War. Refer again to this view when considering Zone Life, Political, Social and Economic History. The Hills-south from Santiago-showing encampment of American Army, Cuba. Les montagnes-sud de Santiago-montrant le campment de l'armee Americaine, Cuba. Dir Berge-Sudlich von Santiago-das Lager der amerikanischen Armee zeigend, Cuba. Los Montes, al Sur de Santiago, mostrando el campamento del ejercito americano, Cuba. Hojderna, soder om Santiago, visande Amerikanska Armens lager, Kuba. [unclear]
Source: Peter Bleed Personal Collection