Camp Wilcof, Long Island, August 29, 1895.
The ADJUTANT-GENERAL U. S. ARMY, War Department, Washington, D. C.
SIR: On August 28, 1898, I forwarded to your office a true copy of the official report of the then commanding officer of this regiment, covering the operations participated in by the Twelfth Infantry from June 30, 1898, to July 2, same year, in the vicinity of Santiago de Cuba.
This report does me an injustice, not intentional, I believe, on the part of the then commanding officer, and it is with the purpose of having the matter represented in its true light this letter is written. The official report (referred to above) does not show that I participated in the final assault upon the "stone blockhouse," which occupied a commanding position on a hill dominating the country surrounding the vicinity of the town of El Caney. Upon receipt of orders from the commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Comba, I proceeded to join the regiment with companies A and D, Twelfth Infantry, who held the position on the left, and mentioned in the report, which position commanded the ground in front of the block-house. I reported my arrival, and some time elapsed before orders were given for the assault upon the blockhouse. Later on these two companies were moved forward, marched up the sunken road a short distance, when they left it, turning to the left, being screened on their right by a high hedge, and proceeded toward an opening in front of the head of the column, on the left of which stood a good-sized tree. In the opening stood the commanding officer and Captain Haskell. At that time I was not at the head of the command, but near it. I heard Colonel Comba tell Captain Haskell to take companies A and D and assault the stone blockhouse.
Very shortly afterwards I came up, and Lieutenant-Colonel Comba, explained to me why he had given to Captain Haskell the command of the two companies, because I did not happen to be at the head, and then said to me, " I want that fort held," to which I replied, "I will see that it is not retaken," and went forward on the run.
While I was not one of the first to reach the fort, I was not one of the last. Captain Haskell preceded me. It is not my desire to take from him any of the glory, but I do not wish my name to be left out of this operation, as I formed a part of the assaulting column. Upon arrival there I proceeded at once to put the command into position to hold it against the attack of any column which might be sent against it.
It is requested this communication be referred to Colonel Comba, now of the Fifth Infantry, for his remarks, and that I be made acquainted with the same on its return to your office.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
HENRY H. HUMPHREYS, Major, Twelfth Infantry, Commanding.
[First indorsement.]
Respectfully forwarded.
Lieuteutenant-Colonel, Seventh Infantry, Commanding.
[Second indorsement.]
HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION, FIFTH CORPS,Camp Wilcoff, Long Island, September 1,1898.
Respectfully forwarded to Adjutant-General United States Army through Headquarters United States forces, with request that this be referred to Colonel Comba, Fifth Infantry, who it is understood is on leave for one month, before joining his regiment, now under orders to go to Cuba. Colonel Comba's report shows companies A and D brought forward by Colonel Humphreys, "closely followed" the companies under Captain Haskell, and it is probably an inadvertence that Colonel Humphreys's name is omitted in this connection.
Major-General, U. S. Volunteers, Commanding Division.

[Third indorsement.]
HEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES,Camp Wikoff, Long Island, September 2, 1898.
Respectfully forwarded to the Adjutant-General United States Army, inviting attention to second indorsement.
Major-General, U. S Volunteers, Commanding.
[Fourth indorsement.]
ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, September 12, 1898.Respectfully referred to Col. R. Comba, Fifth Infantry, Astor House. New York City, for report.
By command of Major-General Miles.
THOMAS WARD, Assistant Adjutant-General.
[Fifth indorsement.]
BULLARD HOUSE,Atlanta, Ga., October 1, 1898.
Respectfully returned to the Adjutant-General, United States Army.
My report of operations of the Twelfth Infantry, covering the period referred to, was hastily prepared. I endeavored, however, to state all important facts, with the intention of going more into details in a supplemental report, to be submitted later, after looking over the reports of company and battalion commanders. Certainly no injustice was intended Major Humphreys, who services during the Santiago campaign were faithful and meritorious. I consider that all officers and men present with the regiment are fairly entitled to be considered as having taken part in the operation referred to, namely, the assault and capture of the "stone blockhouse," notwithstanding that the assaulting column proper consisted of four companies only. The other companies of the regiment were close by and were so posted as to aid materially by their fire in the success of the assaulting column. While some individuals and companies necessarily took a more prominent part than others, the regiment as a whole is entitled to whatever credit may be accorded for the complete success of the charge resulting in the capture of the "stone blockhouse" and its garrison.
RICHD. COMBA, Colonel Fifth Infantry, Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers.
In Field near Santiago de Cuba, July 4, 1898.
Third Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Army Corps.
SIR: I respectfully submit the following report of the operation of the Twelfth United States Infantry June 30 to July 2, 1898:
The regiment broke camp 4 p. m., June 30, 1898, and marched about 6 miles to its bivouac to the east of El Caney, and about 2 1/2 miles from the town and principal works of the enemy at that place. It moved at 4 a. m. directly toward the enemy's position, plainly observed from the first ridge occupied after leaving the bivouac. Captain Wood's company, A, went forward in advance, reconnoitered, and occupied the second ridge, also overlooking and commanding the enemy's position, some 1,000 yards distant.
After crossing the difficult gorge between the first and second ridges the regiment was formed on the reverse slope of the ridge occupied by Company A, previous to which Lieutenant Elliott, with Company B, occupied a wooded ridge to the right of and in advance of Captain Wood's position. The enemy discovered Lieutenant Elliott's advance and opened fire. This occurred very early in the morning, between 6 and 7 a. m., I think.
The regiment was then deployed and advanced as follows: Company E (Evans), followed by Company C (Waltz) to the left of Company B; Company A, with Company D (Wilds), to the left, remained in the position first occupied, from which our men were able to pick off the enemy and cover the advance. The left of my line was under command of Major Humphreys, Twelfth Infantry. The
right, commanded by Captain Haskell, moved forward, Company G (Baker) to the right of Company B, followed by Companies H and F, in support.
The right was directed to connect with or remain in touch with the left of the Seventh Infantry. After this formation was assumed, the regiment remained in position until the Seventh Infantry and a part of the Seventeenth Infantry on our right had deployed and advanced close to the town from the northeast. Company B at this time moved to the crest next to and overlooking the enemy's principal work and outlying trenches. Later Captain Haskell, with Companies F, H, and G, reached a position within 350 yards of the work already mentioned and relatively sheltered from the enemy's fire. I was then ordered to concentrate my regiment at and near this point, which was done, the companies in the exposed position on the left moving through the brush by the flank until they reached the sunken road leading to the town and now free from the enemy's fire.
The regiment having assembled, Captain Haskell, with Captain Clark and Company F, led the charge on the enemy's work closely followed by Companies A, D, and E. It was taken and held, and in a little while completely cleared of the enemy who remained for a time in the trenches and continued to fire. This occurred about 4 p. in., the firing having been almost continuous from the beginning to this hour. The work was a rough stone fort of considerable strength, loop-holed for rifle fire, and surrounded on three sides by a deep trench for riflemen. The artillery made the breach through which our men entered the stonework.
The regiment took part with other troops, rushed up after the capture in driving the enemy from the town and its vicinity. I withdrew the regiment from the work, leaving one company to occupy it for the night, and prepared to bivouac in the immediate vicinity. Later I received orders to march, and between 9 and 10 p. m. the regiment moved toward Santiago. After searching 2 miles or more we halted in the road, and resumed the march at 2 a. m., moving on a road leading toward the ground we occupied June 30. The march continued, and, after moving 5 miles in this direction, we turned into another road and moved toward Santiago again. The new road was covered by some of the enemy's sharpshooters, apparently located in the trees in the jungle.
At 7 a. m. we took position on a ridge to the east — a little south — of Santiago and overlooking the city and the enemy's works between our position and the city. This was a very trying march on officers and men, but, as on July 1, all was borne cheerfully and bravely by the Twelfth Infantry.
From 4 p. m., June 30, 1898, to noon, July 3, 1898, the regiment was continually on the march, under fire, or digging trenches in our present position, with only brief and broken rest at night.
I desire to mention by name Capt. Harry L. Haskell, Twelfth Infantry, commanding Second Battalion, and Capt. Wallis O. Clarke, Twelfth Infantry, for skillful and gallant conduct in preparing for and leading the successful charge against the enemy's works. First Lieut. Frank L. Winn, adjutant of the regiment, performed gallant and distinguished service throughout the day in carrying orders and securing information. He secured the information which resulted in the concentration of the regiment for the charge and conveyed the orders relating to it. First Lieut. Willis Uline is commended for coolness and gallantry in leading his men under fire to the position from which, with Captain Clarke's Company F, the final charge was made. Second Lieut. Wilbur E. Dove is commended for gallantry. He on two occasions exposed himself to a cross fire and gained valuable information for his company. He was wounded. It is impracticable at this time to give a list of the specific acts of gallantry performed by other officers and enlisted men. They were many, and later will be submitted for your consideration.
Strength of regiment engaged: Officers, 20; men, 564. Casualties: Men killed. 7; officers wounded, 2 (Second Lieuts. Wilbur E. Dove and Clark Churchman. Twelfth Infantry); men wounded, 31. Second Lieut. Clark Churchman and 2 of the wounded men have since died. The enemy's dead found in works, 1 officer and 10 men; prisoners taken in works, 2 officers and 21 men, including 12 wounded men; prisoners from the town and vicinity who surrendered, 140; arms captured. 60 rifles. The arms were destroyed, and considerable ammunition was buried. The prisoners, except the wounded, were turned over to the adjutant-general, Fifth Army Corps.
Respectfully submitted.
Lieutenant-Colonel Twelfth United States Infantry,
Commanding Regiment.

GENERAL: I have the honor to report upon my service in the Santiago de Cuba campaign as follows:
I was placed in command of the First Battalion, Second Infantry, at Port Tampa, Fla., detached from the rest of the regiment, and upon landing early in the morning of June 24 at Siboney I was sent out immediately to reenforce the First United States Volunteer Cavalry (Rough Riders).
The following Sunday I commanded my battalion in the reconnaissance toward Morro Castle, and in the operations from that time on until July 1, when I took part in the battle of that date, and subsequent operations, until the morning of the 7th of July, when I was compelled, from the seriousness of my wound, received at 4 o'clock p. m. on the 1st of July, to go to general hospital at Siboney.
On the 1st of July several bullets struck my clothing and accouterments. I rallied a few companies of the Seventy-first Infantsy and placed them in rear of where General Kent had ordered my battalion as support to the charge on San Juan Hill. At this time, while under fire, I drilled my battalion in manual of arms in order to steady the men and set an example to the companies of the Seventy-first, who were in disorder. This action caused the march of the Second Infantry to call for favorable remarks of division commander in his report. I formed for attack soon after moving to the left, as ordered, and moved forward under fire over the hills toward the extreme left of General Kent's division, and captured the hill overlooking Santiago, my right resting on the left of two companies of the Twenty-first Infantry, which connected with the Tenth Infantry.
Though my wound was painful, I remained on duty until General Kent suggested that I go to the hospital for treatment. During some of these operations I was under the observation of Maj. Gen. John C. Bates. I have previously reported the operations of my battalion.
Lieutenant-Colonel Twelfth Infantry.
I was Maj. J. H. Smith, Second Infantry, acting lieutenant-colonel.
I can not too earnestly commend Colonel Smith for his conduct (luring the battles before Santiago, Cuba. Though severely wounded Colonel Smith remained with his regiment, on duty, for several days, and even executed a tour as field officer of the day. Subsequent to this I urged him to go to the hospital.
Major-General U. S. Volunteers.
In Field near Santiago, Cuba, July 4, 1898.
Second Division, Fifth Collis.
SIR: In connection with the operations of the Third Brigade of July 1, I have the honor to report that the road traversed by the army from Siboney toward Santiago de Cuba forks to the right about 5 miles from the latter place. The right-hand road runs a little west of north to a place called Caney, the distance in an air line being about 4 miles. The main road leads generally west to the city. Santiago and Caney are connected by a broad, well-marked road, and are about 6 miles apart. This road also is a main thoroughfare to Guantanamo. Thus the point first mentioned (the fork of the road) , Santiago, and Caney form a sort of triangle inclosing a vast thicket of brush and vines, the interior of which is only traversed by paths, although called roads. About 3 miles from the fork, toward Caney, a road branches to the left to the northwest, and intersects the Santiago-Caney road at about a mile west of the latter place. Further on toward Caney, about 600 yards, a trail branches to Caney, passes around on the south side of a ridge overlooking Caney. This ridge, which is short, is about 800 yards from the southeast corner of the town, where was located on a round and prominent knoll a stone building, used by the Spanish troops as a place of defense. Outside the building was sunk a trench about 3 feet deep and covering the east, south, and westerly face of the building.

South of the town, on lower ground, perhaps 100 yards from the houses, was located a small blockhouse, the structure being of wood, banked with earth on the outside about 4 feet high. On the northwest corner of the town was a similar and larger blockhouse. On the northeast face was a line of intrenchments close in to the town. The buildings and streets were also used by the Spanish troops for protection. About 1 mile northeast of the town, on the side of the mountain. was located a blockhouse, its capacity being 15 to 20 men. This blockhouse was to the right of the line of march of the Seventh and Seventeenth Infantry, to be explained.
On the 26th of June I examined this place from the ridge explained as being about 800 yards southeast of Caney, and reported the fact to the division commander. The main road to Caney continues on from the trail, passing around to the eastward of a sugar-loaf mountain, and intersects the Caney-Guantanamo road about 2 miles east of the former place. This section of the Caney road, a mere trail, is extremely difficult for troops in single file to march over. Being authorized by the division commander, I cleared the road for the passage of artillery for about 3 miles, also a position for a battery to the left of the road, this at the place where the first road branched to the left and intersects the main road (Caney-Santiago). The position for the battery was about 2,000 yards front the town.
On the afternoon of June 30 I received verbal orders from the division commander to march on the Caney road and attack the Spanish position from the eastward. I marched at about 5 o'clock and assembled my brigade at the sugar-loaf mountain after dark, passing on the way Capron's battery, supported by the First Infantry of the Second Brigade. We camped without fires.
I led forward on the Caney road Young's company of the Seventh Infantry about 1 mile, up to a point where it could seize a ridge at daylight. I also took forward by the trail a company of the Twelfth Infantry about half a mile and directed it to seize the ridge at daylight overlooking the town from the southeast. This ridge was the point on which the brigade was to base its left flank. Colonel Comba, commanding the Twelfth Infantry, was given orders to march by this trail, base on this ridge, and deploy to his right and attack in the direction of the town. I led the Seventh and Seventeenth, preceded by about 50 Cubans, by the Caney road to the Guantanamo road, following the latter toward the town. The head of the column came into connection with the right of the Twelfth at 7.50 a. m. and about three-fourths mile east of Caney. At this point we received the enemy's skirmish fire, both from the town and from the blockhouse on the right before referred to.
The Seventh Infantry was deployed on the right of the road in an irregular way because of the difficult nature of the terrane. Practically, the Seventh was on the right of the road and the Twelfth on the left, and formed a line of battle facing the town. The Seventeenth Infantry was directed to proceed to the right of the Seventh, the Cubans to attack the blockhouse to the right. The artillery, Capron's battery, opened fire on the stone building some minutes before my line was extended. As we pressed forward the enemy's fire became very severe and in the course of the action the Seventh Infantry, particularly, met with heavy and severe loss in killed and wounded. The Twelfth also had losses, the Seventeenth but few, owing to the fact that only the head of the column became exposed to the fire of the enemy.
The action lasted nearly throughout the day, terminating at about 4.30 p. in.. at which time the stone blockhouse was assaulted by Captain Haskell's battalion of the Twelfth Infantry under the personal direction of Lieutenant-Colonel Comba, commanding the regiment. The resistance at this point had been greatly affected by the fire of Capron's battery. A few moments after the seizure of this pointthe key to the situationmy left was joined by General Bates with a portion of his command. He soon after withdrew. This action was continuous throughout the day, with brief lulls for the purpose of quieting and resting the men, who were fatigued from their difficult march and broken sleep of the night previous. They marched to the field of battle without breakfast, except a cracker and a drink of cold water. The conduct of all officers observed by me, and I saw the most of them, is deserving of unlimited praise. The same may be said of the enlisted men, with some few exceptions. All of the men were without battle experience, but the great majority went forward into action in a very soldierly and gallant manner.
The reports of regimental commanders are herewith inclosed. These reports are unsatisfactory to these officers themselves because of the limited time that has elapsed since the engagement, nearly all of which has been expended in fatiguing march or in the preparation of trenches for defense. They are also
without proper means to render their reports in form to insure durability. I very cordially and heartily concur now and for the future in any special mention of distinguished conduct on the part of officer or enlisted man which commanding officers of regiments have now or may hereafter submit. The brigade is greatly indebted in its successful operation for the assistance rendered to it by Capron's battery of artillery. Its fire on the stone blockhouse was accurate and very effective. The brigade is also indebted for assistance rendered by the command of General Bates, whose movements from the south on the town necessarily drew from me a portion of the enemy's fire.
Immediately after the action ceased I directed a thorough search of the field we had fought over for our wounded and dead. These, I think, were all collected before dark. After this I permitted the men to make coffee, detailed one company. (Howell's, Seventh Infantry) to remain with the wounded and bury the dead, and at 7.30 to 8 o'clock marched for the Ducourcaud House, a point of assembly of the division, previously directed by the division commander. We arrived at about 11 o'clock p. m., officers and men exhausted of strength to the extent they were hardly able to walk. The brigade lay down in the road and rested until 3 a. m. At the Ducourcaud House I joined the division commander, who informed me he had sent me an order to leave a regiment at Caney. The courier had failed to find me before marching. The division commander concurred with my opinion that the return of a battalion would be sufficient strength. It was so ordered, Coolidge's battalion, of the Seventh Infantry, being sent back. This, in addition to Howell's company of the same regiment left behind, made five companies of this regiment on guard at Caney.
Through a misunderstanding of my order, or the noncompliance therewith on the part of Captain Howell, one company of the Seventeenth Infantry was left at Caney and is still absent at that place.
At 3 a. m., July 2, the brigade resumed its march on El Poso, thence on San Juan, and took position on the right of the cavalry division, commanded by General Sumner, arriving on the ground at 7.20 a. m.
The losses of the brigade in battle from daylight July 1 to 7.30 a. m. July 2 are as follows:
Seventh Infantry: Killed, officer, 1 (Second Lieutenant Wansboro); enlisted men, 32; wounded, officers, 4 (Major Corliss, Captain Jackson, First Lieutenant Grisard, adjutant, Second Lieutenant Lafferty); enlisted men, 91; missing, enlisted men, 3.
Twelfth Infantry: Killed, enlisted men, 7; wounded, officers, 2 (Second Lieu-tenants Dove and Churchman; the latter has since died of his wound); enlisted men, 29.
Seventeenth Infantry: Killed, enlisted men, 4; wounded, officers, 2 (Lieutenant-Colonel Haskell and First Lieutenant Dickinson, regimental quartermaster; the latter has since died of his wounds); enlisted men, 21; missing, enlisted men, 2.
Total loss: Killed, officers, 3 (including the 2 died since of wounds); enlisted men, 45 (including 2 died of wounds since the battle); wounded, officers, 6; enlisted men, 139; missing, enlisted men, 5; total loss, 198.
A map indicating the roads and some of the place's herein mentioned is inclosed.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers. Commanding.
July 4, 1898.
Third Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Corps.
SIR: I have the honor to report as to the part taken by the Seventh Infantry in the capture of El Caney July 1. The regiment marched on the evening of the 3d and bivouacked after dark in the neighborhood of the town with nine companies. The First Battalion commanded by Maj. A. W. Corliss; the Second by Maj. C. A. Coolidge, and one company of the Third Battalion, which was maneuvered as attached to the First Battalion.
On approaching the field of action on the morning of the 1st, it was observed that a blockhouse well up on the hills commanded our approach. At General Chaffee's direction I detached Captain Van Orsdale with his company to reduce it. This after inffectual attempts by volley firing to effect, he was directed by other authority to abandon, whereupon he rejoined and took part in the fortune of his regiment. The position assigned the regiment during the action was upon the
21 M G
crest of a hill running nearly parallel with the line of defenses of the Spanish, the central point of which was nearly opposite their middle blockhouse with its intrenchments. At its extremities it was somewhat exposed to flank fire. The position was somewhat protected by a sunken road traversing its length, of about 21 feet in depth, partly concealed by bushes, thus affording some cover for formation.
To reach the enemy the regiment formed front in this road, was directed to kneel or lie down, and by crawling through the grass a distance averaging 50 yards to observe the enemy, and open a deliberate file fire. This was well done for about an hour, when, as the losses were considerable, the command was withdrawn to the sunken road, with the exception of partial detachments in favorable positions and some daring spirits among the sharpshooters.
About noon, at the direction of the brigade commander, the whole line was again pushed forward to the crest, and as severe a fire as it is practicable to deliver was given for about fifty minutes, some companies by volleys, with remarkable precision, and others by file. When ammunition was reported by some of the captains as running low the command was gradually withdrawn to the partial cover furnished by the road. The regiment occupied this position from 8 o'clock a. m. until about 4.30 p. m. Though no infantry fire, in my opinion, could have been more severely or certainly delivered from this position, it seemingly had no effect upon reducing the Spanish fire delivered in our front. Continuously through the heaviest din of our fire could be heard the peculiar high-keyed ring of the defiant enemy's shots.
The names of the killed and wounded have already been sent you, which sum up 1 officer killed and 4 wounded, 33 enlisted men killed and 95 wounded and missing. The total strength of the regiment in action was 25 officers and about 850 enlisted men. I was nobly sustained by every officer, without the least shade of an exception. I do feel that everyone is of true and tried valor. Recognition of their merit is recommended as truly deserved.
Very respectfully,
Lieutenant-Colonel Seventh Infantry, Commanding Regiment.
In the Field, before Santiago de Cuba, July 4, 1898.
Third Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Army Corps.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Seventeenth Infantry in the action of July 1 near the town of Caney:
The regiment bivouacked northeast of Caney on the night of June 30 and broke camp at 5 o'clock a. m. July 1. It marched in a westerly direction, following the Seventh Infantry, until it reached a point about 1 mile north and one-half mile east of a blockhouse, when it marched in a southerly direction toward the town of Caney. Upon arriving abreast of the most northerly blockhouse the regiment was exposed to the fire of the enemy, drawn by an attack made by Cubans and a portion of the Seventh Infantry. Colonel Haskell, commanding, directed the two leading companies to open fire upon the blockhouse, when the adjutant informed him that the Seventh Infantry was directly in front of us, so he countermanded the order. We then continued the march on the main road until we reached point east and a little north of a stone blockhouse. Colonel Haskell joined the brigade commander here and was directed by him to move his regiment in the direction of Caney and engage the enemy. Colonel Haskell then directed the adjutant Lieutenant Clay, to bring up the regiment and indicate to it the direction and order it to engage the enemy as soon as possible; that he would go on ahead. The adjutant brought up the Second Battalion, which was in front, and gave the necessary order. He then sent an orderly back to bring up the First Battalion which was a little in rear. Within fifteen minutes after the first order was giver all the regiment except two companies had moved forward. The adjutant then reported to the brigade commander, who directed him to engage the two remaining companies and then report to Colonel Haskell. This last order was obeyed at once.
The regiment moved toward Caney, across the ridge occupied by the Seventh Infantry, a little in rear of their line. At the time we were not aware of the existence of the stone blockhouse, which was screened from view by a hedge of bushes. We moved in single file and as a consequence were exposed to the fire of the enemy
in crossing this ridge. As soon as we became aware of the situation we moved down from the ridge and up to a sunken road above and north of the town of Caney. Arriving here Colonel Haskell ordered the wire fence cut, and himself, with Lieutenant Dickinson, stepped into the open and received an entire volley from the enemy concealed behind a stone wall in the town of Caney. Lieutenant-Colonel Haskell fell severely wounded, and Lieutenant Dickinson mortally. The first Battalion arrived immediately after Colonel Haskell fell. The adjutant at once sent an orderly to report the state of affairs to the brigade commander, and himself reported to Major O'Brien that the command of the regiment devolved upon him. Within a few minutes the brigade commander arrived in person and gave orders for the regiment to join its left with the right of the Seventh Infantry, and to hold the position, which was done. Orders were given not to open fire unless we could see something to fire at and make the fire effective. We remained in this position, exposed to an enfilading fire of the enemy from the stone block-house on the left and rear, the town of Caney on the left and front, and also from the blockhouse on our right to the north. We remained in this position until the battle was over. A few volleys were fired by Companies C and G. After the battle we withdrew, by order of the brigade commander, to a position in rear of the Seventh Infantry, where we had supper. After dark we moved south on the telegraph road, following the Seventh Infantry, until we arrived at General Lawton's headquarters. Here we remained until between 2 and 3 o'clock a. m., when we moved in an easterly direction around to our present position.
The following is a list of casualties:
Killed: Privates Walter Brown, William T. Fason, Company A: Christian Hess, Company E; Leonard Webber, Company G.
Wounded: Lieut. Col. J. T. Haskell, in the breast, knee, and foot; Lieut. W. M. Dickinson, regimental quartermaster, in the bladder and arm; since died in hospital.
Company B—Sergt. Philip Henderson, severe; Private John Duren, slight; private U. W. Dildine, slight; Private John McBride, severe.
Company C—First Sergt. John O'Rourke, slight; Private Bay, slight; Private Andrew Byers, slight; Private George Kelly, severe; Private G. W. Burg, slight; private Fred. Davidson, severe; Private August Lang, slight; Private Oscar Brookins; slight; Private Martin, slight.
Company D—Private Joseph Wehr, unknown.
Company E—Corpl. Charles P. Dovell, slight.
Company H—Was left behind after the battle to guard the field hospital, and no report has been received from it, but it is known that 7 enlisted men were wounded during the day.
The conduct of the officers and men during the engagement under the trying position in which they were placed, being compelled to receive fire without the opportunity to return it, is worthy of the highest praise for soldierly steadiness and courage. While it might seem invidious under the circumstances to mention any special instances of individual zeal in the performance of duty, a special report will be made as soon as the circumstances which call for special commendation can be more carefully inquired into and determined. As to the nature of the wounds no official information has been received from the medical department.
Respectfully submitted.
Captain, Seventeenth Infantry, Commanding.