Near Santiago de Cuba, July 7, 1895.
SIR: I have the honor to make the following report in pursuance to instructions:
The battery left camp near Sevilla about 2 p. m. June 30, and went into camp about 8 p. m., about 2,500 yards from Caney. The battery formed for action at day-break July 1, and opened fire under personal orders of the major-general in command about 6.15 o'clock a. m., and continued its fire against specified objectives intermittently throughout the day under the personal direction of the division commander. The results against visible targets were satisfactory and the action of the projectiles appeared uniform and effective. The projecting charges varied somewhat, as is usual, but not enough to seriously affect the ballistic results.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
First Artillery, Commanding Light Battery E.
IN CAMP, SANTIAGO, CUBA, July 15, 1898.
Respectfully submit the following:
- June 13. — Left slip at Port Tampa on board steamer Comal.
- June 20. — Arrived off Santiago de Cuba about 11.20 a. m.
- June 22. — Anchored off Daiquiri.
- June 23. — Began unloading horses.
- June 24. — Finished unloading horses.
- June 25. — Men of battery came ashore at Daiquiri.
- June 20. — Material of battery unloaded.
- June 27. — Left Daiquiri 9.30 a. m.; arrived at Siboney 2 p. m.
- June 28. — Left Siboney 6 a. m.; arrived at camp near Sevilla 10 a. m.
- June 30. — Left camp near Sevilla 3.30 p. m. and took position near El Caney 8.30 p.m. to fire on El Caney the following day.
- July 1. — Fired shell and shrapnel into El Caney (range, 2,400 yards) 6.15 a. m. to 11.30 a. m. Recommenced 12.30 a. m., continuing until 2.10 p. m. Changed position for one 1,000 yards from El Caney and fired into two blockhouses. Battery marched toward Santiago and about dark halted on road and bivouacked for the night about 1 mile from Santiago.
- July 2. — Orders received to move about, 2 a. m. July 2. Reached a position on left of line 8.30 a. m. with the other three batteries. Gun pits dug there (El Pose).
- July 3. — Left for position on the right of the line. Went into camp near firing line 6.30 p. m. At 11.30 p. m. left camp and camped back of protecting hill with Fourth Infantry.
- July 5. — Left that camp at 9 a. m. Arrived at position overlooking Santiago 10 a. m. Threw up intrenchments to include 9th instant. Range from 1,200 to 2,500 yards.
- July 10. — Began firing on enemy's linos and batteries in front of Santiago at 4.30 p. m., continuing until dark.
- July 11. — Opened fire on enemy's lines and batteries at about 6 a. m., continuing intermittently until 1 p. m.
The firing has been active, accurate, and destructive. The men behaved well and did all that was expected of them.
Respectfully submitted. ALLYN CAPRON
Captain, First Artillery, Commanding Light Battery E.
Major DILLENBACK Second U. S. Artillery.