Camp near Santiago de Cuba, July 3, 1898.
Near Santiago de Cuba.
SIR : I have the honor to report the following operations of the Second Division in the capture of El Caney on July 1, 1898. The town of El Caney is situated at an important point about 4 miles northeast of Santiago de Cuba, on the main road from Guantanamo to that city, where reenforcements for the Spanish garrison of Santiago de Cuba would probably concentrate. The town was strongly fortified with numerous blockhouses within its limits and on the roads leading thence. On a prominent hill of the town was a stone fort surrounded, as is now known, by intrenchments cut in solid rock. The reduction of El Caney being determined upon, and being on the right flank of the general advance on Santiago de Cuba, the duty devolved on the Second Division, to which was attached Light Battery E, First Artillery, commanded by Capt. Allyn Capron, First Artillery. After due reconnoissance by the division and brigade commanders, the movement began about 3 p. m. on June 30 from the division camp, about 4 miles east of Santiago, on the main road from Siboney through Sevilla. The position. of the brigades and the details of operations on July 1 are quite fully set forth in the accompanying reports of regimental and brigade commanders, and in the sketch herewith submitted. The light battery first opened on a column of Spanish troops, which appeared to be cavalry moving westward from El Caney, at about 2 miles range, resulting, as was afterwards learned, in killing 16 in the column. The battery remained during the action at its first position until about 2.30 p. m., when it was moved to a new position south of and about 1,000 yards from certain blockhouses in the town, where a few shots, all taking effect, were fired. This firing terminated the action, as the Spanish garrison were attempting to escape. Gen. J. C. Bates, U. S. Volunteers, with two regiments of his independent brigadethe Third and Twentieth Infantryhaving been sent by the major-general commanding the forces of the United States in Cuba to relieve the Second Brigade of this division, these holding the main road from El Caney to Santiago, so as to permit it to join in the attack, also cane forward, joined in the attack, taking position between the Second and Third brigades, and rendered material assistance, especially in the assault of the stone forts.
I heartily approve the special mention of individuals and recommendations made in the reports of the regimental and brigade commanders, and regret that others who deserve mention have not received it through circumstances. During the action I was accompanied most of the time by Maj. Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, Inspector-General U. S. Army, as a spectator, and had the advantage of his valuable suggestions and advice during the day, for which I desire to express my sincere appreciation. His horse was shot under him on the advance upon Santiago, the morning of the 2d instant.
To Gen. Adna R. Chaffee I am indebted for a thorough and intelligent reconnoissance of the town of El Caney and vicinity prior to the battle, and the submission of a plan of attack, which was adopted. I consider General Chaffee one of the best practical soldiers in the Army, and recommend him for special distinction for successfully charging the stone fort mentioned in this report, the capture of which practically closed the battle. I desire to invite special attention to Gen. William Ludlow, commanding the First Brigade. General Ludlow's professional
accomplishments are well known, and his assignment to command a brigade in my division I consider a high compliment to myself. In this battle General Ludlow proved himself a capable and able commander. His coolness, good judgment, and prompt action in difficult situation were remarkable. To this, and his personal example on the firing line was due the decisive success of the attack on the part of the line. I recommend General Ludlow for substantial recognition.
To Capt. H. C. Carbaugh, assistant adjutant-general, adjutant-general of the division, I desire to express my thanks and appreciation for untiring energy and faithful work in dangerous positions on this occasion, and I desire particularly to mention him for gallantry in volunteering to carry and carrying to General Chaffee, while he was most hotly engaged on the firing line, instructions concerning the assault upon the stone fort mentioned in these reports, and to recommend Captain Carbaugh for promotion to the rank of major and assistant adjutant-general and for brevet of lieutenant-colonel for this act. I desire also to commend to favorable consideration Maj. G. Creighton Webb, inspector-general on my staff, for persistently riding his horse along the firing line of the First Brigade in search of the brigade commander to deliver important instructions when men of his escort demurred at going with him, and recommend that he receive the brevet of lieutenant-colonel of volunteers. I am particularly pleased that this battle gives me a suitable opportunity to call to the notice of my superiors Mr. R. G. Mendoza, a volunteer aid on my staff. Mr. Mendoza is a Cuban by birth, an American citizen, a young man of prepossessing appearance, of education, and refinement. He joined me at Tampa, Fla., with the consent and authority of the general commanding the forces, as a volunteer aid. Since that time he has become one of my most competent and reliable assistants, and has been untiring in his labors, both night and day. In the battle he was active, energetic, and courageous. He has my hearty thanks for his invaluable assistance, and I strongly recommend and urge that he be offered the appointment of captain and assistant adjutant-general of volunteers, and that he be left on duty with me. I desire also to commend for gallantry and courageous conduct in this battle, and for faithful and valuable services generally, Mr. E. L. D. Breekinridge, a son of Maj. Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, Inspector-General of the Army, who has also been on duty on my staff during the campaign as volunteer aid. Mr. Breckinridge is educated and relined, a gentleman in every respect, and has proven in battle his courage and coolness. I earnestly recommend that he be appointed a second lieutenant in the Army in consideration of the services rendered in this battle. To Lieut. H. H. Warren, Second Massachusetts, aid de-camp, I desire to tender my thanks for courageous and efficient performance of duty in this battle, and to recommend that he receive a brevet of captain of volunteers. To Surg. H. S. Kilbourne, chief surgeon, is due the thanks not only of myself, but of the whole division, for faithful and unremitting attention to the wounded on the field and under fire.
It may not be out of place for me to mention the fact that Capt. J. C. Gilmore, jr., of the staff of the general commanding the forces, joined me with important instructions, and that he might see for himself the situation, the better to inform the commanding general, he rode the firing line with me, exhibiting a coolness under severe fire worthy a veteran.
Very respectfully,
Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, Commanding Division.

General Bates's Report.
In front Santiago de Cuba July 8, 1898
SIR: I have the honor to report that my brigade left Siboney, Cuba, on the evening of June 30 at 8.30 and marched up over the hill trail. We followed this trail to where it joins the main road, and proceeded along the main road in the dark to the place just vacated by Wheeler's cavalry division as a camp. Here we found General Wheeler's head-quarter tents still standing, and went into camp in the rear of them about midnight. We struck camp at 10.05 a. m. July 1 and marched to a point adjacent to General Shafter's headquarters, where I reported in person to General Shafter. At 10.05 a. m. I moved my brigade from this location to within about a mile and a half of El Caney and met General Lawton upon the road at this point. After a consultation with him, lasting some minutes, I halted my brigade upon the road in order to give an opportunity for the placing of a battery that General Lawton expected to put in position between Colonel Miles's right and General Chaffee's left. I waited for some time for this to be done, but the battery not putting in an appearance, I moved my brigade down the road in the direction of El Caney, crossed the San Juan River, and, taking the first crossroads, moved to the right to a position upon this cross-road to the right of the brigade commanded by Colonel Miles, and pushed rapidly to the front. After my brigade remained in this road for some time under a heavy fire we moved to the right to the assault of a small hill occupied upon the top by a stone fort and well protected by rifle pits. General Chaffee's brigade charged them from the right, and the two brigades joining upon the crest, opened fire from this point of vantage, lately occupied by the Spanish, upon the village of El Caney. From this advantageous position the Spanish were easily driven from place to place in the village proper, and as fast as they sought shelter in one building were driven out to seek shelter elsewhere. The sharpshooters of my command were enabled to do effective work at this point. The town proper was soon pretty thoroughly cleaned out of Spanish, though a couple of blockhouses upon the hill to the right of the town offered shelter to a few, and some could be seen retreating along a mountain road leading to the northwest.
A part of these men made a stand in a field among some bowlders. I desire to say at this point that the Third United States Infantry, under command of Col. John H. Page, and the Twentieth United States Infantry, under command of Maj. William S. McCaskey, performed most efficient and meritorious services in the engagement before the village of El Caney. At about 4.30 p. m. the firing from the village had practically ceased, and as General Ludlow's brigade was then moving up the valley from the left upon the village it was deemed unwise to charge El Caney, as our troops would have been subjected to the fire from this brigade. After consultation with General Chaffee I withdrew my brigade, hoping there was yet time to aid in the attack more to the left. My command having had a long, hard march, the withdrawal took more time than anticipated. Darkness was coming on. I therefore halted the command at the first water at which we arrived and proceeded in person to report to the corps commander; was then ordered to the extreme left. I immediately moved the command and reached this position at midnight. My command had been then continuously marching or lighting for twenty-seven and one-half hours, with the exception of six and one-half hours spent near General Wheeler's
headquarters. On the morning of July 2 I placed the Twentieth Infantry on the left of the Second Infantry and in continuation of their line and held the Third Infantry in reserve near the brigade of Colonel Pearson, of General Kent's division, as that part of the line seemed to need to be strengthened. The loss in action at El Caney suffered by this brigade was 3 killed and 10 wounded; on the 2d of July was 1 killed and 18 wounded. The wounded includes Captains Rodman and Moon, of the Twentieth Infantry.
I desire to mention the following members of my staff for efficient and gallant service in the action before El Caney and in front of Santiago : Major Logan, Major Wilkins, Captain Wright, and Lieutenant Smiley. I wish also to add that Major Ives, my chief surgeon, was on the firing line and did efficient service during the progress of the fight and behaved in a most gallant manner. I invite attention to the inclosed sketch, which gives the itinerary of march of this brigade during the two days.
Very respectfully,
Brigadier-General of Volunteers, Commanding Brigade.

In front of Santiago de Cuba, July 14, 1898.
General Bates's Provisional Division.
SIR: In compliance with paragraph 267, "Troops in Campaign," I have the honor to render the following report of the part taken by the Twentieth Infantry in the actions that resulted in the capitulation of Santiago de Cuba by the Spanish. The effective strength of the regiment at the beginning of the first day's fight, July 1, was 23 officers and 570 enlisted men.
On June 30 the First Battalion, Twentieth Infantry, was on duty repairing roads from about 3.30 a. m. until 4 p. m. At 8.30 p. m. the regiment left Siboney and marched to General Wheeler's headquarters, which was reached at about 2 a. m. After resting and cooking breakfast the line of march was again taken up at 5.30 a. m., July 1, and General Shafter's headquarters reached at 7.30 a. m. The regiment remained here for several hours and then proceeded to Caney, where General Lawton's division was engaged with the enemy, who occupied the town and a stone house at the outskirts of the town. The regiment was placed in two lines, on the right of the line, along a sunken road, about 400 yards in front of the stone house referred to above.
The First Battalion was moved to the right and put into action on the left of the Twenty-fifth Infantry firing line, and one company, A, took part in the latter part of the charge by which the stone house was taken. The regiment was in action and under fire for one and one-half hours. Private Morris C. Fisher, Company A, was killed, and Capt. John B. Rodman, commanding First Battalion; Color Sergt. John Sherratt, Sergt. Walter P. Boltz, Company A; Corpl. Arthur Rowe, Company A; Privates Linton E. Watrous, Company G; John Doherty, Company E; James W. Kern, Company F, and William Prather, Company H. were wounded. Two enlisted men missing.
As soon as the Spanish had been driven from Caney, the regiment marched back about 2 miles, cooked supper, and rested until 9 p. m., when the march to Santiago was taken up. San Juan was reached at about 3.30 a. m., and the regiment bivouacked on the reverse slope of a hill confronting the Spanish lines Firing began at daylight, and many random shots fell into the camp.
At about noon, July 2, the regiment moved out of bivouac and took position on the left of the line, with the Second Infantry on its right. The following officer and enlisted men were wounded while lying in bivouac and while moving into position: Capt. Henry B. Moon, commanding Company B; Corpl. Oliver M. McConnell, Company H, probably fatally; Private George Tallman, Company F: Private William D. Cheek, Company D; Private James M. Irvine, Company D. and Private Edward W. Wonderly, Company G.
The regiment formed new lines along a sunken road on the extreme left, where it intrenched itself, making numerous traverses as protection against an enfilade fire, to which it was subject.
On July 7 the regiment moved to new position on the heights overlooking the Spanish works in front of Santiago, where it intrenched, the nearest point being about 600 yards from the Spanish lines. The Second Infantry was next to the right, and the Third Infantry to the left.
On July 11, at 4 o'clock p. in., fire was opened along the line upon the Spanish works. The fire of the regiment was so strong and accurate as to silence one gun and keep down the fire of the Spanish works in its front. Firing by sharp-shooters was begun again at daybreak on the 12th and continued until the capitulation. During this firing Q. M. Sergt. Thomas Dixon, Company H, was wounded.
The battalions of the Twentieth Infantry during the operations about Santiago de Cuba were ably commanded by Captains Rodman, Huston, and Reynolds, the latter succeeding Captain Rodman, who was wounded on July 1. These officers were at all times alert, and responded intelligently and promptly to all demands.
The companies were commanded in a correspondingly efficient manner by Captains Foster, Rogers, Moon (until wounded on the 2d), Irons, Dent, Reynolds. Morrison, and Greene, and Lieutenants Chapman and Meares. Lieutenants Estes Smith (C. C.) , Worrilow, Smith (M. F.) , Richardson, Stacy, Exton, and Crallé were always found at their posts, giving strict attention to all the details of the action, the march, or work on the intrenchments. Service could not have been more loyally rendered than by these officers, and although many were prostrated by heat, they performed their several duties constantly.
Lieutenant Lewis, regimental adjutant, was active, fearless, and, although suffering from fever, was always on duty and loyally supported his regimental commander during the campaign. Lieutenant Day, regimental quartermaster,
was present with the regiment on all its marches, in battle, and in the trenches, his strong constitution and his unusual and, as yet, unacknowledged abilities kept the regiment supplied and prevented suffering. He also performed duties on the brigade commander's staff.
The noncomissioned staff and other enlisted men of the regiment sustained the reputation of the Army for fortitude, intelligent performance of duty, and ability to endure under privation. They were cool under fire or in the charge, were under perfect discipline at all times, and showed remarkable ingenuity in the construction of intrenchments, two lines of which were mainly built with bayonets, meat-ration cans, or tin cups. The lines for these intrenchments were selected by the company officers and without the assistance of engineer officers, and are models of construction.
Acting Asst. Surg. Thomas Y. Aby, United States Army, on duty with the regiment, was without assistance, but was always active caring for the wounded on the battlefield or the sick in the trenches, and, although sick from fever and heat, he never failed to administer judicious care and treatment. Dr. Aby is a gentleman of experience, having served four years in the Confederate army, and although well beyond the years of supposed activity, he marched on foot and performed all his many duties, all of this notwithstanding that the medical department was noticeably deficient in personnel and supplies or arrangements for the care of the sick or wounded.
The conduct of all of the officers and men of the Twentieth Infantry during the whole campaign and while in action was that of veterans.
Major, Twentieth Infantry, Commanding Regiment.

Camp Wilcof,
Long Island, August 29, 1898.
War Department, Washington, D. C.
SIR: On August 28, 1898, I forwarded to your office a true copy of the official report of the then commanding officer of this regiment, covering the operations participated in by the Twelfth Infantry from June 30, 1898, to July 2, same year, in the vicinity of Santiago de Cuba.
This report does me an injustice, not intentional, I believe, on the part of the then commanding officer, and it is with the purpose of having the matter represented in its true light this letter is written. The official report (referred to above) does not show that I participated in the final assault upon the "stone blockhouse," which occupied a commanding position on a hill dominating the country surrounding the vicinity of the town of El Caney. Upon receipt of orders from the commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Comba, I proceeded to join the regiment with companies A and D, Twelfth Infantry, who held the position on the left, and mentioned in the report, which position commanded the ground in front of the block-house. I reported my arrival, and some time elapsed before orders were given for the assault upon the blockhouse. Later on these two companies were moved forward, marched up the sunken road a short distance, when they left it, turning to the left, being screened on their right by a high hedge, and proceeded toward an opening in front of the head of the column, on the left of which stood a good-sized tree. In the opening stood the commanding officer and Captain Haskell. At that time I was not at the head of the command, but near it. I heard Colonel Comba tell Captain Haskell to take companies A and D and assault the stone blockhouse.
Very shortly afterwards I came up, and Lieutenant-Colonel Comba, explained to me why he had given to Captain Haskell the command of the two companies, because I did not happen to be at the head, and then said to me, " I want that fort held," to which I replied, "I will see that it is not retaken," and went forward on the run.
While I was not one of the first to reach the fort, I was not one of the last. Captain Haskell preceded me. It is not my desire to take from him any of the glory, but I do not wish my name to be left out of this operation, as I formed a part of the assaulting column. Upon arrival there I proceeded at once to put the command into position to hold it against the attack of any column which might be sent against it.
It is requested this communication be referred to Colonel Comba, now of the Fifth Infantry, for his remarks, and that I be made acquainted with the same on its return to your office.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
HENRY H. HUMPHREYS, Major, Twelfth Infantry, Commanding.
[First indorsement.]
Camp Wilcof, August 31, 1898.
Respectfully forwarded.
Lieuteutenant-Colonel, Seventh Infantry, Commanding.
[Second indorsement.]
Camp Wilcoff, Long Island, September 1,1898.
Respectfully forwarded to Adjutant-General United States Army through Headquarters United States forces, with request that this be referred to Colonel Comba, Fifth Infantry, who it is understood is on leave for one month, before joining his regiment, now under orders to go to Cuba. Colonel Comba's report shows companies A and D brought forward by Colonel Humphreys, "closely followed" the companies under Captain Haskell, and it is probably an inadvertence that Colonel Humphreys's name is omitted in this connection.
Major-General, U. S. Volunteers, Commanding Division.

[Third indorsement.]
Camp Wikoff, Long Island, September 2, 1898.
Respectfully forwarded to the Adjutant-General United States Army, inviting attention to second indorsement.
Major-General, U. S Volunteers, Commanding.
[Fourth indorsement.]
September 12, 1898.
Respectfully referred to Col. R. Comba, Fifth Infantry, Astor House. New York City, for report.
By command of Major-General Miles.
THOMAS WARD, Assistant Adjutant-General.
[Fifth indorsement.]
Atlanta, Ga., October 1, 1898.
Respectfully returned to the Adjutant-General, United States Army.
My report of operations of the Twelfth Infantry, covering the period referred to, was hastily prepared. I endeavored, however, to state all important facts, with the intention of going more into details in a supplemental report, to be submitted later, after looking over the reports of company and battalion commanders. Certainly no injustice was intended Major Humphreys, who services during the Santiago campaign were faithful and meritorious. I consider that all officers and men present with the regiment are fairly entitled to be considered as having taken part in the operation referred to, namely, the assault and capture of the "stone blockhouse," notwithstanding that the assaulting column proper consisted of four companies only. The other companies of the regiment were close by and were so posted as to aid materially by their fire in the success of the assaulting column. While some individuals and companies necessarily took a more prominent part than others, the regiment as a whole is entitled to whatever credit may be accorded for the complete success of the charge resulting in the capture of the "stone blockhouse" and its garrison.
RICHD. COMBA, Colonel Fifth Infantry, Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers.
In Field near Santiago de Cuba, July 4, 1898.
Third Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Army Corps.
SIR: I respectfully submit the following report of the operation of the Twelfth United States Infantry June 30 to July 2, 1898:
The regiment broke camp 4 p. m., June 30, 1898, and marched about 6 miles to its bivouac to the east of El Caney, and about 2 1/2 miles from the town and principal works of the enemy at that place. It moved at 4 a. m. directly toward the enemy's position, plainly observed from the first ridge occupied after leaving the bivouac. Captain Wood's company, A, went forward in advance, reconnoitered, and occupied the second ridge, also overlooking and commanding the enemy's position, some 1,000 yards distant.
After crossing the difficult gorge between the first and second ridges the regiment was formed on the reverse slope of the ridge occupied by Company A, previous to which Lieutenant Elliott, with Company B, occupied a wooded ridge to the right of and in advance of Captain Wood's position. The enemy discovered Lieutenant Elliott's advance and opened fire. This occurred very early in the morning, between 6 and 7 a. m., I think.
The regiment was then deployed and advanced as follows: Company E (Evans), followed by Company C (Waltz) to the left of Company B; Company A, with Company D (Wilds), to the left, remained in the position first occupied, from which our men were able to pick off the enemy and cover the advance. The left of my line was under command of Major Humphreys, Twelfth Infantry. The
right, commanded by Captain Haskell, moved forward, Company G (Baker) to the right of Company B, followed by Companies H and F, in support.
The right was directed to connect with or remain in touch with the left of the Seventh Infantry. After this formation was assumed, the regiment remained in position until the Seventh Infantry and a part of the Seventeenth Infantry on our right had deployed and advanced close to the town from the northeast. Company B at this time moved to the crest next to and overlooking the enemy's principal work and outlying trenches. Later Captain Haskell, with Companies F, H, and G, reached a position within 350 yards of the work already mentioned and relatively sheltered from the enemy's fire. I was then ordered to concentrate my regiment at and near this point, which was done, the companies in the exposed position on the left moving through the brush by the flank until they reached the sunken road leading to the town and now free from the enemy's fire.
The regiment having assembled, Captain Haskell, with Captain Clark and Company F, led the charge on the enemy's work closely followed by Companies A, D, and E. It was taken and held, and in a little while completely cleared of the enemy who remained for a time in the trenches and continued to fire. This occurred about 4 p. in., the firing having been almost continuous from the beginning to this hour. The work was a rough stone fort of considerable strength, loop-holed for rifle fire, and surrounded on three sides by a deep trench for riflemen. The artillery made the breach through which our men entered the stonework.
The regiment took part with other troops, rushed up after the capture in driving the enemy from the town and its vicinity. I withdrew the regiment from the work, leaving one company to occupy it for the night, and prepared to bivouac in the immediate vicinity. Later I received orders to march, and between 9 and 10 p. m. the regiment moved toward Santiago. After searching 2 miles or more we halted in the road, and resumed the march at 2 a. m., moving on a road leading toward the ground we occupied June 30. The march continued, and, after moving 5 miles in this direction, we turned into another road and moved toward Santiago again. The new road was covered by some of the enemy's sharpshooters, apparently located in the trees in the jungle.
At 7 a. m. we took position on a ridge to the east — a little south — of Santiago and overlooking the city and the enemy's works between our position and the city. This was a very trying march on officers and men, but, as on July 1, all was borne cheerfully and bravely by the Twelfth Infantry.
From 4 p. m., June 30, 1898, to noon, July 3, 1898, the regiment was continually on the march, under fire, or digging trenches in our present position, with only brief and broken rest at night.
I desire to mention by name Capt. Harry L. Haskell, Twelfth Infantry, commanding Second Battalion, and Capt. Wallis O. Clarke, Twelfth Infantry, for skillful and gallant conduct in preparing for and leading the successful charge against the enemy's works. First Lieut. Frank L. Winn, adjutant of the regiment, performed gallant and distinguished service throughout the day in carrying orders and securing information. He secured the information which resulted in the concentration of the regiment for the charge and conveyed the orders relating to it. First Lieut. Willis Uline is commended for coolness and gallantry in leading his men under fire to the position from which, with Captain Clarke's Company F, the final charge was made. Second Lieut. Wilbur E. Dove is commended for gallantry. He on two occasions exposed himself to a cross fire and gained valuable information for his company. He was wounded. It is impracticable at this time to give a list of the specific acts of gallantry performed by other officers and enlisted men. They were many, and later will be submitted for your consideration.
Strength of regiment engaged: Officers, 20; men, 564. Casualties: Men killed. 7; officers wounded, 2 (Second Lieuts. Wilbur E. Dove and Clark Churchman. Twelfth Infantry); men wounded, 31. Second Lieut. Clark Churchman and 2 of the wounded men have since died. The enemy's dead found in works, 1 officer and 10 men; prisoners taken in works, 2 officers and 21 men, including 12 wounded men; prisoners from the town and vicinity who surrendered, 140; arms captured, 60 rifles. The arms were destroyed, and considerable ammunition was buried. The prisoners, except the wounded, were turned over to the adjutant-general, Fifth Army Corps.
Respectfully submitted.
Lieutenant-Colonel Twelfth United States Infantry,
Commanding Regiment.

SEPTEMBER 16, 1898.
GENERAL: I have the honor to report upon my service in the Santiago de Cuba campaign as follows:
I was placed in command of the First Battalion, Second Infantry, at Port Tampa, Fla., detached from the rest of the regiment, and upon landing early in the morning of June 24 at Siboney I was sent out immediately to reenforce the First United States Volunteer Cavalry (Rough Riders).
The following Sunday I commanded my battalion in the reconnaissance toward Morro Castle, and in the operations from that time on until July 1, when I took part in the battle of that date, and subsequent operations, until the morning of the 7th of July, when I was compelled, from the seriousness of my wound, received at 4 o'clock p. m. on the 1st of July, to go to general hospital at Siboney.
On the 1st of July several bullets struck my clothing and accouterments. I rallied a few companies of the Seventy-first Infantry and placed them in rear of where General Kent had ordered my battalion as support to the charge on San Juan Hill. At this time, while under fire, I drilled my battalion in manual of arms in order to steady the men and set an example to the companies of the Seventy-first, who were in disorder. This action caused the march of the Second Infantry to call for favorable remarks of division commander in his report. I formed for attack soon after moving to the left, as ordered, and moved forward under fire over the hills toward the extreme left of General Kent's division, and captured the hill overlooking Santiago, my right resting on the left of two companies of the Twenty-first Infantry, which connected with the Tenth Infantry.
Though my wound was painful, I remained on duty until General Kent suggested that I go to the hospital for treatment. During some of these operations I was under the observation of Maj. Gen. John C. Bates. I have previously reported the operations of my battalion.
Lieutenant-Colonel Twelfth Infantry.
I was Maj. J. H. Smith, Second Infantry, acting lieutenant-colonel.
NEW YORK CITY, N. Y., September 16,1898.
I can not too earnestly commend Colonel Smith for his conduct during the battles before Santiago, Cuba. Though severely wounded Colonel Smith remained with his regiment, on duty, for several days, and even executed a tour as field officer of the day. Subsequent to this I urged him to go to the hospital.
Major-General U. S. Volunteers.
In Field near Santiago, Cuba, July 4, 1898.
Second Division, Fifth Corps.
SIR: In connection with the operations of the Third Brigade of July 1, I have the honor to report that the road traversed by the army from Siboney toward Santiago de Cuba forks to the right about 5 miles from the latter place. The right-hand road runs a little west of north to a place called Caney, the distance in an air line being about 4 miles. The main road leads generally west to the city. Santiago and Caney are connected by a broad, well-marked road, and are about 6 miles apart. This road also is a main thoroughfare to Guantanamo. Thus the point first mentioned (the fork of the road), Santiago, and Caney form a sort of triangle inclosing a vast thicket of brush and vines, the interior of which is only traversed by paths, although called roads. About 3 miles from the fork, toward Caney, a road branches to the left to the northwest, and intersects the Santiago-Caney road at about a mile west of the latter place. Further on toward Caney, about 600 yards, a trail branches to Caney, passes around on the south side of a ridge overlooking Caney. This ridge, which is short, is about 800 yards from the southeast corner of the town, where was located on a round and prominent knoll a stone building, used by the Spanish troops as a place of defense. Outside the building was sunk a trench about 3 feet deep and covering the east, south, and westerly face of the building.

South of the town, on lower ground, perhaps 100 yards from the houses, was located a small blockhouse, the structure being of wood, banked with earth on the outside about 4 feet high. On the northwest corner of the town was a similar and larger blockhouse. On the northeast face was a line of intrenchments close in to the town. The buildings and streets were also used by the Spanish troops for protection. About 1 mile northeast of the town, on the side of the mountain. was located a blockhouse, its capacity being 15 to 20 men. This blockhouse was to the right of the line of march of the Seventh and Seventeenth Infantry, to be explained.
On the 26th of June I examined this place from the ridge explained as being about 800 yards southeast of Caney, and reported the fact to the division commander. The main road to Caney continues on from the trail, passing around to the eastward of a sugar-loaf mountain, and intersects the Caney-Guantanamo road about 2 miles east of the former place. This section of the Caney road, a mere trail, is extremely difficult for troops in single file to march over. Being authorized by the division commander, I cleared the road for the passage of artillery for about 3 miles, also a position for a battery to the left of the road, this at the place where the first road branched to the left and intersects the main road (Caney-Santiago). The position for the battery was about 2,000 yards from the town.
On the afternoon of June 30 I received verbal orders from the division commander to march on the Caney road and attack the Spanish position from the eastward. I marched at about 5 o'clock and assembled my brigade at the sugar-loaf mountain after dark, passing on the way Capron's battery, supported by the First Infantry of the Second Brigade. We camped without fires.
I led forward on the Caney road Young's company of the Seventh Infantry about 1 mile, up to a point where it could seize a ridge at daylight. I also took forward by the trail a company of the Twelfth Infantry about half a mile and directed it to seize the ridge at daylight overlooking the town from the southeast. This ridge was the point on which the brigade was to base its left flank. Colonel Comba, commanding the Twelfth Infantry, was given orders to march by this trail, base on this ridge, and deploy to his right and attack in the direction of the town. I led the Seventh and Seventeenth, preceded by about 50 Cubans, by the Caney road to the Guantanamo road, following the latter toward the town. The head of the column came into connection with the right of the Twelfth at 7.50 a. m. and about three-fourths mile east of Caney. At this point we received the enemy's skirmish fire, both from the town and from the blockhouse on the right before referred to.
The Seventh Infantry was deployed on the right of the road in an irregular way because of the difficult nature of the terrane. Practically, the Seventh was on the right of the road and the Twelfth on the left, and formed a line of battle facing the town. The Seventeenth Infantry was directed to proceed to the right of the Seventh, the Cubans to attack the blockhouse to the right. The artillery, Capron's battery, opened fire on the stone building some minutes before my line was extended. As we pressed forward the enemy's fire became very severe and in the course of the action the Seventh Infantry, particularly, met with heavy and severe loss in killed and wounded. The Twelfth also had losses, the Seventeenth but few, owing to the fact that only the head of the column became exposed to the fire of the enemy.
The action lasted nearly throughout the day, terminating at about 4.30 p. in.. at which time the stone blockhouse was assaulted by Captain Haskell's battalion of the Twelfth Infantry under the personal direction of Lieutenant-Colonel Comba, commanding the regiment. The resistance at this point had been greatly affected by the fire of Capron's battery. A few moments after the seizure of this point—the key to the situation—my left was joined by General Bates with a portion of his command. He soon after withdrew. This action was continuous throughout the day, with brief lulls for the purpose of quieting and resting the men, who were fatigued from their difficult march and broken sleep of the night previous. They marched to the field of battle without breakfast, except a cracker and a drink of cold water. The conduct of all officers observed by me, and I saw the most of them, is deserving of unlimited praise. The same may be said of the enlisted men, with some few exceptions. All of the men were without battle experience, but the great majority went forward into action in a very soldierly and gallant manner.
The reports of regimental commanders are herewith inclosed. These reports are unsatisfactory to these officers themselves because of the limited time that has elapsed since the engagement, nearly all of which has been expended in fatiguing march or in the preparation of trenches for defense. They are also
without proper means to render their reports in form to insure durability. I very cordially and heartily concur now and for the future in any special mention of distinguished conduct on the part of officer or enlisted man which commanding officers of regiments have now or may hereafter submit. The brigade is greatly indebted in its successful operation for the assistance rendered to it by Capron's battery of artillery. Its fire on the stone blockhouse was accurate and very effective. The brigade is also indebted for assistance rendered by the command of General Bates, whose movements from the south on the town necessarily drew from me a portion of the enemy's fire.
Immediately after the action ceased I directed a thorough search of the field we had fought over for our wounded and dead. These, I think, were all collected before dark. After this I permitted the men to make coffee, detailed one company. (Howell's, Seventh Infantry) to remain with the wounded and bury the dead, and at 7.30 to 8 o'clock marched for the Ducourcaud House, a point of assembly of the division, previously directed by the division commander. We arrived at about 11 o'clock p. m., officers and men exhausted of strength to the extent they were hardly able to walk. The brigade lay down in the road and rested until 3 a. m. At the Ducourcaud House I joined the division commander, who informed me he had sent me an order to leave a regiment at Caney. The courier had failed to find me before marching. The division commander concurred with my opinion that the return of a battalion would be sufficient strength. It was so ordered, Coolidge's battalion, of the Seventh Infantry, being sent back. This, in addition to Howell's company of the same regiment left behind, made five companies of this regiment on guard at Caney.
Through a misunderstanding of my order, or the noncompliance therewith on the part of Captain Howell, one company of the Seventeenth Infantry was left at Caney and is still absent at that place.
At 3 a. m., July 2, the brigade resumed its march on El Poso, thence on San Juan, and took position on the right of the cavalry division, commanded by General Sumner, arriving on the ground at 7.20 a. m.
The losses of the brigade in battle from daylight July 1 to 7.30 a. m. July 2 are as follows:
Seventh Infantry: Killed, officer, 1 (Second Lieutenant Wansboro); enlisted men, 32; wounded, officers, 4 (Major Corliss, Captain Jackson, First Lieutenant Grisard, adjutant, Second Lieutenant Lafferty); enlisted men, 91; missing, enlisted men, 3.
Twelfth Infantry: Killed, enlisted men, 7; wounded, officers, 2 (Second Lieutenants Dove and Churchman; the latter has since died of his wound); enlisted men, 29.
Seventeenth Infantry: Killed, enlisted men, 4; wounded, officers, 2 (Lieutenant-Colonel Haskell and First Lieutenant Dickinson, regimental quartermaster; the latter has since died of his wounds); enlisted men, 21; missing, enlisted men, 2.
Total loss: Killed, officers, 3 (including the 2 died since of wounds); enlisted men, 45 (including 2 died of wounds since the battle); wounded, officers, 6; enlisted men, 139; missing, enlisted men, 5; total loss, 198.
A map indicating the roads and some of the places herein mentioned is inclosed.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers. Commanding.
July 4, 1898.
Third Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Corps.
SIR: I have the honor to report as to the part taken by the Seventh Infantry in the capture of El Caney July 1. The regiment marched on the evening of the 3d and bivouacked after dark in the neighborhood of the town with nine companies. The First Battalion commanded by Maj. A. W. Corliss; the Second by Maj. C. A. Coolidge, and one company of the Third Battalion, which was maneuvered as attached to the First Battalion.
On approaching the field of action on the morning of the 1st, it was observed that a blockhouse well up on the hills commanded our approach. At General Chaffee's direction I detached Captain Van Orsdale with his company to reduce it. This after inffectual attempts by volley firing to effect, he was directed by other authority to abandon, whereupon he rejoined and took part in the fortune of his regiment. The position assigned the regiment during the action was upon the
21 M G
crest of a hill running nearly parallel with the line of defenses of the Spanish, the central point of which was nearly opposite their middle blockhouse with its intrenchments. At its extremities it was somewhat exposed to flank fire. The position was somewhat protected by a sunken road traversing its length, of about 2½ feet in depth, partly concealed by bushes, thus affording some cover for formation.
To reach the enemy the regiment formed front in this road, was directed to kneel or lie down, and by crawling through the grass a distance averaging 50 yards to observe the enemy, and open a deliberate file fire. This was well done for about an hour, when, as the losses were considerable, the command was withdrawn to the sunken road, with the exception of partial detachments in favorable positions and some daring spirits among the sharpshooters.
About noon, at the direction of the brigade commander, the whole line was again pushed forward to the crest, and as severe a fire as it is practicable to deliver was given for about fifty minutes, some companies by volleys, with remarkable precision, and others by file. When ammunition was reported by some of the captains as running low the command was gradually withdrawn to the partial cover furnished by the road. The regiment occupied this position from 8 o'clock a. m. until about 4.30 p. m. Though no infantry fire, in my opinion, could have been more severely or certainly delivered from this position, it seemingly had no effect upon reducing the Spanish fire delivered in our front. Continuously through the heaviest din of our fire could be heard the peculiar high-keyed ring of the defiant enemy's shots.
The names of the killed and wounded have already been sent you, which sum up 1 officer killed and 4 wounded, 33 enlisted men killed and 95 wounded and missing. The total strength of the regiment in action was 25 officers and about 850 enlisted men. I was nobly sustained by every officer, without the least shade of an exception. I do feel that everyone is of true and tried valor. Recognition of their merit is recommended as truly deserved.
Very respectfully,
Lieutenant-Colonel Seventh Infantry, Commanding Regiment.
In the Field, before Santiago de Cuba, July 4, 1898.
Third Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Army Corps.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Seventeenth Infantry in the action of July 1 near the town of Caney:
The regiment bivouacked northeast of Caney on the night of June 30 and broke camp at 5 o'clock a. m. July 1. It marched in a westerly direction, following the Seventh Infantry, until it reached a point about 1 mile north and one-half mile east of a blockhouse, when it marched in a southerly direction toward the town of Caney. Upon arriving abreast of the most northerly blockhouse the regiment was exposed to the fire of the enemy, drawn by an attack made by Cubans and a portion of the Seventh Infantry. Colonel Haskell, commanding, directed the two leading companies to open fire upon the blockhouse, when the adjutant informed him that the Seventh Infantry was directly in front of us, so he countermanded the order. We then continued the march on the main road until we reached point east and a little north of a stone blockhouse. Colonel Haskell joined the brigade commander here and was directed by him to move his regiment in the direction of Caney and engage the enemy. Colonel Haskell then directed the adjutant Lieutenant Clay, to bring up the regiment and indicate to it the direction and order it to engage the enemy as soon as possible; that he would go on ahead. The adjutant brought up the Second Battalion, which was in front, and gave the necessary order. He then sent an orderly back to bring up the First Battalion which was a little in rear. Within fifteen minutes after the first order was giver all the regiment except two companies had moved forward. The adjutant then reported to the brigade commander, who directed him to engage the two remaining companies and then report to Colonel Haskell. This last order was obeyed at once.
The regiment moved toward Caney, across the ridge occupied by the Seventh Infantry, a little in rear of their line. At the time we were not aware of the existence of the stone blockhouse, which was screened from view by a hedge of bushes. We moved in single file and as a consequence were exposed to the fire of the enemy
in crossing this ridge. As soon as we became aware of the situation we moved down from the ridge and up to a sunken road above and north of the town of Caney. Arriving here Colonel Haskell ordered the wire fence cut, and himself, with Lieutenant Dickinson, stepped into the open and received an entire volley from the enemy concealed behind a stone wall in the town of Caney. Lieutenant-Colonel Haskell fell severely wounded, and Lieutenant Dickinson mortally. The first Battalion arrived immediately after Colonel Haskell fell. The adjutant at once sent an orderly to report the state of affairs to the brigade commander, and himself reported to Major O'Brien that the command of the regiment devolved upon him. Within a few minutes the brigade commander arrived in person and gave orders for the regiment to join its left with the right of the Seventh Infantry, and to hold the position, which was done. Orders were given not to open fire unless we could see something to fire at and make the fire effective. We remained in this position, exposed to an enfilading fire of the enemy from the stone blockhouse on the left and rear, the town of Caney on the left and front, and also from the blockhouse on our right to the north. We remained in this position until the battle was over. A few volleys were fired by Companies C and G. After the battle we withdrew, by order of the brigade commander, to a position in rear of the Seventh Infantry, where we had supper. After dark we moved south on the telegraph road, following the Seventh Infantry, until we arrived at General Lawton's headquarters. Here we remained until between 2 and 3 o'clock a. m., when we moved in an easterly direction around to our present position.
The following is a list of casualties:
Killed: Privates Walter Brown, William T. Fason, Company A: Christian Hess, Company E; Leonard Webber, Company G.
Wounded: Lieut. Col. J. T. Haskell, in the breast, knee, and foot; Lieut. W. M. Dickinson, regimental quartermaster, in the bladder and arm; since died in hospital.
Company B—Sergt. Philip Henderson, severe; Private John Duren, slight; private U. W. Dildine, slight; Private John McBride, severe.
Company C—First Sergt. John O'Rourke, slight; Private Bay, slight; Private Andrew Byers, slight; Private George Kelly, severe; Private G. W. Burg, slight; private Fred. Davidson, severe; Private August Lang, slight; Private Oscar Brookins; slight; Private Martin, slight.
Company D—Private Joseph Wehr, unknown.
Company E—Corpl. Charles P. Dovell, slight.
Company H—Was left behind after the battle to guard the field hospital, and no report has been received from it, but it is known that 7 enlisted men were wounded during the day.
The conduct of the officers and men during the engagement under the trying position in which they were placed, being compelled to receive fire without the opportunity to return it, is worthy of the highest praise for soldierly steadiness and courage. While it might seem invidious under the circumstances to mention any special instances of individual zeal in the performance of duty, a special report will be made as soon as the circumstances which call for special commendation can be more carefully inquired into and determined. As to the nature of the wounds no official information has been received from the medical department.
Respectfully submitted.
Captain, Seventeenth Infantry, Commanding.

In Camp near Santiago de Cuba, August 15, 1898.
The ADJUTANT-GENERAL, Washington, D. C.
SIR: In compliance with General Orders, No. 72, I have the honor to make the following report:
We arrived at Siboney on the morning of July 1. Owing to the want of proper facilities for unloading it was late in the afternoon before the entire command was disembarked, our baggage and tentage being left on board of the Harvard. At 11.30 o'clock in the evening I received orders to move with my regiment and the Ninth Massachusetts with all possible haste and report to General Shafter. At 10 o'clock we left Siboney in heavy marching order, the men carrying 100 rounds of ammunition and three days' rations. Owing to the mud and the horrible condition of the roads, and the blockade caused by supply trains going to the front and ambulance trains carrying wounded to Siboney meeting in narrow passes, it was 3 o'clock on the morning of July 2 before I reached General Shafter's headquarters. Reporting to him, I received orders to continue with my command to the front to support General Wheeler. The worn-out condition of my command and the blockages of the path made it impossible for me to reach General Wheeler until 8 a. m. On reporting to General Wheeler, we were ordered to support General Bates on the extreme left of our line. While in this position 7 of my men were wounded. At 3 o'clock p. m. the Thirty-fourth Michigan was ordered back to support General Kent in our center. The Ninth Massachusetts remained with General Bates's brigade. At 10 o'clock on the night of the 2d of July the Spanish forces assaulted our lines, but were repulsed with great loss.
The stubbornness and gallantry displayed by the forces in the trenches made it unnecessary for us to take any part in the firing, but the men showed their willingness and eagerness to do their share. On the 5th Major Latimer and his battalion (Companies H, E, D. G) were ordered to report to engineer corps to repair bridges and road to Siboney, and also to do outpost duty. On the 8th Lieutenant Colonel Bennett, with two companies (A and C), was ordered to El Caney to protect life and property of refugees from Santiago. He returned to the regiment the following day. Major Hodskin, with two companies (B and M), was stationed at El Poso as an outpost. The balance of the regiment were ordered to General Shafter's headquarters, where they were employed in helping commissary department, and did guard duty. On July 10 I was ordered to take six companies (F, K, A, B, C, M) of my command to support the battery under Major Dillenback and to guard the left flank of the army against any flank movement that might be made by the enemy. From then until the surrender of General Toral these six companies were on outpost. On July 15 Major Latimer, with Companies H, D, E, G, I, L, received orders to report with my command to General Bates's pro-visional division. This order was carried out on the next day, the regiment then being together again for the first time since July 5.
Very respectfully,
Colonel, Commanding.
Near Santiago de Cuba, July 3, 1898.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this regiment in the action at Caney on the 1st instant:
The regiment came into the vicinity of Caney at about 6 o'clock a. m., and formed line of skirmishers with the First Battalion, the Second Battalion being in reserve. The Third Battalion and one company of the Second were held back by the division commander at a point near where the battery of light artillery opened fire, and did not rejoin the command until about noon.
We advanced in line of skirmishers, with the Twenty-second Infantry on our left, until we reached a road running parallel to the telephone road leading into Caney. At this point we were ordered to change our direction of advance to the right along this road toward Caney.
We advanced along this road until we came to a road leading to the left to the telephone road, so called, at which point we developed the enemy, who opened fire upon our advance line. At this time I received orders from the brigade commander to send four companies to the assistance of the Twenty-second Infantry who were on the telephone road. Companies B, E, K, and L were at once detached
and sent, under Major Southmayd, to report to the commanding officer of the Twenty-second Infantry.
I found that the fire of the enemy came from blockhouses, rifle pits, houses, and tree tops in the village of Caney, across a level field, along two sides of which ran the two roads before mentioned. These roads were somewhat lower than the ground on either side, so I directed my three remaining companies (D, G, and M) to take position along the road on which we had advanced and directly opposite the village. Companies E and L, which had been sent to the Twenty-second Infantry, through some confusion of orders were sent back, and I posted them along the crossroad leading to the telephone road.
Several attempts were made to push lines of skirmishers from these positions across the field toward the village, but they were unsuccessful, the men being forced back by the withering fire of the enemy, while our own fire was not only ineffectual, but it revealed the exact location of our men and brought the concentrated fire of the enemy upon our line of smoke.
Repeated attempts to force our line of skirmishers across the field in the face of such a fire without adequate support demonstrated the uselessness of further attempts in that direction, and I immediately sent such word to the brigade commander, and also the fact that the five companies of my command which had been detained on the road in the morning had just come in. In answer to this I was directed to place my command on the two roads before occupied by the five companies and hold the position. This disposition of ten companies of the regiment was made about noon, and this position was maintained until the close of the action.
The two companies (B and K) which joined the Twenty-second Infantry remained with that command throughout the entire action.
The casualties of the day were as follows: One officer killed (First Lieut. Charles H. Field, Company E), and 4 men (Privates Arthur H. Packard and George A. Richmond, Company G; Frank E. Moody, Company K, and George A. Brooks, Company E). Total killed, 5; and 40 wounded, among whom were Capt. W. S. Warriner, Second Lieuts. D. J. Moynihan and O. D. Hapgood.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel, Commanding.
First Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Army Corps.
SIR: Pursuant to the instructions contained in letter from your headquarters of this date, I have the honor to submit the following report of the affair at El Caney yesterday, together with a complete list of killed and wounded:
I received orders at 9 a. m. to proceed along the Caney-Santiago road and take up a position in front of the town on the left of the Twenty-second United States Infantry.
Five companies (B, C, D, E, and G) of the command were at 9.20 a. m. thrown on the line to be occupied en echelon, the two remaining companies (A and H) being held as supports in rear of the left center. The first line was gradually advanced, in the face of a heavy fire, until it occupied a position 500 yards directly in front of the blockhouses of the town, into which the enemy retreated. Several casualties occurred during this advance, the ground being more or less open and exposed to the fire of the enemy, which at this time was very heavy. This line was held throughout the day and a heavy fire kept up on the enemy's position. At about 4 p. m. the enemy evacuated the town, and a heavy fire was poured on the enemy's column during its retreat, resulting in great damage to him. At 5.30 p. m. the command was reformed, the wounded sent to the rear, the dead buried, and the command joined the brigade column.
While I can not mention special cases of distinguished action, owing to the length of the line, from such observations as I could make and from verbal reports of officers I desire to commend the entire regiment, the conduct of the command throughout, both individually and collectively, being most excellent.
Very respectfully,
Major, Eighth Infantry, Commanding.

At about 7 a. m. the First Battalion (Companies A, B, C, E) deployed 2 miles from Caney and moved toward road leading to the town, the other battalion being in reserve. Later the Second Battalion (Companies D, F, G, H) pushed across the road to hold a second road in case the enemy attempted to retreat along that line. The Second Battalion slowly moved forward, firing into town from the left, and established itself to the left of town.
The First Battalion moved down the main road, deployed across it when about 1,000 yards away, and met some enemy in the woods, who retired. Sharpshooters (enemy) were located in trees, and it is thought that Lieutenant-Colonel Patterson was wounded at this point by one. Major Van Horne took command. At a point 200 yards farther (800 yards from town) a stand was made and firing kept up until the place surrendered.
Attention is invited to report of commanding officer, Second Battalion, who was detached during most of engagement (submitted direct to assistant adjutant-general of brigade). Two companies of the Second Massachusetts supported our right and rear, but did little firing on account of their location being indicated by their powder.
July 2—night alarm.—At about 10 p. m. heavy firing occurred above our line, and the regiment moved up the hill, gaining a position below the crest to support the firing line. They were withdrawn about one hour later.
Casualties submitted.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, Twenty-second Infantry, Commanding Regiment.
July 19, 1898.
First Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Army Corps.
(Through intermediate commanders.)
SIR: Having succeeded Captain Lockwood in command of the Second Battalion. Twenty-second Infantry, and not knowing whether or not, on account of his sickness, he was able to make a report of the fight at El Caney, I take this occasion to recommend to your consideration two officers who were under my personal observation during the afternoon of that day, viz, First Lieut. W. L. Taylor, who was as cool and collected as if on target practice, kept his company under perfect fire discipline, supervised personally the direction of fire and the adjustment of sights, and Second Lieut. W. H. Wassell, who was equally brave, and was wounded while on the firing line observing with field glasses the location of the enemy.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Twenty-second Infantry,
Commanding Second Battalion, Twenty-second Infantry.
Record of Company F, Capt. R. N. Getty, commanding, Twenty-second Infantry
AT CANEY, July 1, 1898.
Took position on the line of battle on extreme left of regiment. Moved forward at 6 a. m. through dense underbrush. Marched half a mile; received from blockhouses left and front. Did not reply to fire. Moved up to crest of hill facing this blockhouse; received heavy volley from village to our right. Form the company separated from line of battle by half a mile. Moved down hill toward village. Connected with Company D, First Battalion, and took position on hill commanding enemy's line of retreat. Joined in engagement. Cut telegraph line. Fought all day, silencing repeatedly enemy's fire on company from entrenchments. About 4 p. m. received fire from enemy on hill in our left rear. Faced company about and helped, with other companies, to drive them off. At this time the enemy commenced retreating. Opened a heavy fire on them, completing their rout. Engagement over by 5 p. m. Companies F and D took 65 prisoners, mostly wounded, among them 4 Spanish officers. Sixteen Spanish counted killed, and many more seen along road to right and left. Arms and quantity of ammuntion
captured. After fight Companies F and D carried wounded Spanish to the top of hill. Attended to their wants and left them under the charge of a noncommissioned officer and 6 privates. Retired at 6 p. m. and resumed march toward Santiago.
Highly recommend bravery and bearing of the men, especially Sergt. William Parnell for coolness and bravery in commanding left section and directing their volleys; also Sergt. Cornelius Cullinan, who took Sergeant Parnell's place after the latter was wounded. Recommend also First Sergt. John J. Byrne, who commanded right platoon. Privates Martin P. Broberg and Bolton Johnson recommended above others for coolness and bravery by Sergeant Byrne.
The effective strength of company in battle was 1 officer and 62 men; wounded, 1 noncommissioned officer and 3 men.
R. N. GETTY, Captain, Commanding.

Near Santiago, August 5, 1898.
Second Division, Fifth Corps.
SIR: Referring to my report of the battle at Caney, Cuba, dated July 3, 1898. I have the honor to mention the name of Capt. R. N. Getty, Twenty-second Infantry, for conspicuous and meritorious conduct at said battle. This officer's name was inadvertently omitted at the time, and I request that this paper be incorporated as a part of said report.
Very respectfully,
WILLIAM LUDLOW, Brigadier-General, Commanding.
Camp Plateau Sumo, July 4, 1898.
Second Division, Fifth Corps.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this brigade from the afternoon of June 30 to include the assault and capture of Caney on the following day:
After an extended reconnaissance on June 30 by the division commander, accompanied by those of the three brigades, the following instructions were given:
The Third Brigade, Brigadier-General Chaffee commanding, was to move out from the headquarters camp on the Sevilla and El Poso road, deflecting up the, valley of the San Juan to a plateau selected for an artillery position, about l 1/2 miles southward of Caney, and thence bearing northeastward to reach a point on the northeast side of Caney. The First Brigade was to follow and lie for the night in the vicinity of the artillery position, in readiness for the combined movement to be made early in the morning.
The Second Brigade, Colonel Miles commanding, was to move to El Poso, and, thence to the Decrot house, which was designated by the division commander as a general rendezvous after the day's work had been completed. The battery light artillery of four guns, Captain Capron commanding, was to occupy its position after dark. and be prepared to open on Caney as soon as the infantry conumns were in readiness for assault. The Third Brigade was more immediately charged with the reduction of Caney, supposed to have a garrison of from 600 to 1,000,o known to be defended by a stone work on a commanding elevation eastward of the village, three or four blockhouses, and well-constructed rifle pits.
The First Brigade was to occupy the road leading westward from Caney toward Santiago, and cut off the retreat of the garrison should it attempt to escape.

June 30, the First Brigade broke camp at 5 p. m., moved down the El Poso road, thence deflected northward, and lay along the road for night without lights or calls.
July 1, the men were aroused at 4 a. m., and at 4.30 took the road westward, passing in front of the artillery position and looking for a road which would put the brigade on the Caney-Decrot road at a point about one-third the distance between the two places and to the westward of a line from the artillery position to Fort San Miguel, a prominent object on the summit of one of the northern foothills. This line was designated by the division commander in order that the artillery fire might not imperil the troops in the early morning. No crossroads were found, although several led toward Caney; but the command occupied temporarily all of these, and then both of the main roads, the principal one being indicated by a telephone line. Endeavor was made to find if there was a third road lying north of the Caney-Decrot road, but the Eighth Infantry, exploring near the Decrot house, and the Second Battalion of the Twenty-second Infantry, skirmishing northward, had found none. The artillery opened about 6.30 a. m., and at 7 a. m. sharp firing to the eastward clearly indicated that the Third Brigade was at work. The First Brigade was moved rapidly forward toward Caney, and, arriving about 1,000 or 1,200 yards therefrom, was greeted by a sharp Mauser fire that swept the roads and cut the leaves from the trees. The brigade was immediately deployed, the Eighth Infantry on the left; First Battalion, Twenty-second Infantry, the center; and the Second Massachusetts on the right. The Second Battalion of the Twenty-second Infantry had not yet come in from skirmishing, having been delayed by thick chaparral and failing to get the later order to return. Subsequently it was disposed on the left of the Eighth, and did admirable service.
While deploying his command, Lieutenant-Colonel Patterson, of the Twenty-Second Infantry, was shot in the groin, and the command of the regiment devolved on Major Van Horne. The Brigade moved steadily forward under a scorching fire that produced many casualties, although every endeavor was made to take advantage of covertrees, hedges, grass, bushes, and the like. The enemy had made elaborate preparations to receive us; and the blockhouses, numerous intrenchments, and rifle pits, almost invisible, and multiplied loopholes in the houses gave them many points of vantage, in addition to which they had studied the range, and the shooting was accurate and incessant. The crash and intrepidity of our men, however, could not be restrained, although they were constantly cautioned not to expose themselves, to aim deliberately, and not to fire unless at a definite object. They were almost instructed to ignore the blockhouses as a waste of ammunition, and to try to kill the men in the rifle pits or when exposed outside of them. For about three hours the firing from both brigades and from the garrison was very heavy, and the list of casualties shows how severe the work was. From 12 to 1 p. m. there was a lull, when the action again became violent, and at 3 p. m. the Third Brigade captured the stone fort with a rush, and hoisted the American flag. The garrison in the village, however, held on until about 4.30, when the volley firing by the Eighth and Twenty-second into a sunken intrenchment in their front, which had done great execution among our people and which had evidently been occupied by the best part of the garrison, compelled its evacuation. The occupants, Including many officers of high rank, were shot as they ran past the front of the Second Battalion of the Twenty-second Infantry, and not over thirty or forty of the entire garrison could have escaped. Among the slain was the Spanish general, Vera de Rey.
As soon as the dead and woundedour own and those of the enemycould receive due attention, it was proposed to put the command in camp after a day of extraordinary exertion, but orders were received to take the road to the Decrot House, thence toward Santiago. The brigade lay part of the night on the road west of Ducrot House, without rations, and thence marched by a narrow, dark trail toward Marianajay.
I have the honor to invite the attention of the division commander to the extraordinary intrepidity, dash, and persistence of our men, who in these respects could not have been excelled by the most hardy veterans, while as a matter of fact not ten men in the entire brigade had ever been under fire. The men and officers behaved with extraordinary coolness and courage, needing repression and caution instead of encouragement, and constant instruction not to expose them-selves unnecessarily. The attack of a fortified place by infantry is usually attended by disaster, and is recognized as one of the most difficult military operations. In the present case the artillery fire was too distant to reduce the blockhouses or destroy the intrenchments, so that the attack was practically by infantry alone, with the result that two brigades of untried and unseasoned troops, led mainly by officers of no war experience, accomplished the capture of the place and the annihilation of the garrison, composed of skillful and determined men,
with every aid that military ingenuity could devise, after eight hours of almost constant and exceedingly deadly fighting. The event stands out under the circumstances as an almost unrivaled and unique performance. The list of casualties shows how severe and desperate was the work, and establishes the courage, resolution, and indomitable persistence of our troops.
The average loss in killed and wounded was, for officers, 14 per cent, and for the enlisted men 8 per cent; these proportions increasing in the case of the Twenty-second Infantry, which held the center and left flank, to 25 per cent for the officers and 10 per cent for the men.
With so brilliant a record for all concerned it is difficult for me to discriminate as to individual mention, but justice requires that attention be called to the the manner in which Major Van Horne, of the Twenty-second, and Major Conrad, of the Eighth, handled their respective commands. The Second Massachusettes was handicapped by the use of smoky powder and the inferior range of its .45 Springfield muskets, but nevertheless in several respects made a good beginning. While I could not personally be present at all points of the action, I must give, special mention to Captains Lockwood and Crittenden, of the Twenty-second Infantry, commanding battalions, and Lieutenants Godfrey and Newell, of the same regiment; also to Captains Wilson and Terrett, of the Eighth Infantry although I am conscious that many others are hardly less entitled to mention.
It is a pity that in individual eases there is so little opportunity for rewarding on the field itself a special act of gallantry or soldierly conduct. To my staff I am especially indebted for most valuable aid and in most trying conditions, and would mention especially Captain Anderson, Seventh Cavalry, my aid, and Captain Kell, Twenty-second Infantry, brigade adjutant, who were everywhere on the field and indefatigable in the discharge of their duties. I inclose herewith, reports from the regimental commanders of this brigade; also a list of killed and wounded.
Your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General, Commanding.
Officers. | Enlisted men. | |||||
Killed. | Wounded. | Missing. | Killed. | Wounded. | Missing. | |
Eighth Infantry | 0 | 1 | 0 | 6 | 45 | |
Twenty-second Infantry | 0 | 6 | 0 | 5 | 30 | |
Second Massachusetts | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 38 | |
Total | 1 | 10 | 0 | 15 | 122 | |
Aggregate officers and men killed and wounded, 148. |
Officers. | Enlisted men. | ||
Eighth Infantry | 16 | 476 | 1 officer wounded, 51 men killed and wounded. |
Twenty-second Infantry | 25 | 436 | 6 officers wounded, 43 men killed and wounded |
Second Massachusetts | 43 | 803 | 1 officer killed, 3 wounded; 41 men killed and wounded. |
Average per cent of loss for brigade: Officers, 14 per cent; enlisted men, 8 per cent. |
Names of officers killed and wounded in brigade:
Eighth Infantry.Lieut. J. R. Seyburn (wounded). Twenty-second Infantry.Lieutenant-Colonel Patterson, Captain Crittenle (present for duty), Captain Mosher, Captain Jones, Lieutenant Godfrey, Lieutenant Wassell, all wounded.
Second Massachusetts.First Lieut. Charles H. Field killed, and Capt. W. T. Warner and Second Lieuts. D. J. Moynhan and Oscar D. Hapgood wounded.
Respectfully submitted.
Captain, Twenty-second Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General

Camp, Santiago, Cuba, July 19, 1895.
SIR: I have the honor to herewith inclose supplementary reports of Lieut. Col. A. S. Daggett, commanding Twenty-fifth Infantry, and Capt. R. N. Getty, commanding Company F, Twenty-second Infantry, relative to operations of their respective commands in the battle of El Caney, on the 1st instant. Each brigade end regiment was not only given an opportunity to render its prescribed report, but was specially directed to do so, and it is to be regretted that the inclosed reports were not rendered in time for forwarding with my report of the battle. However, it is requested that the inclosures be attached to that report.

The recommendations made are approved, and it is suggested that appropriate rewards—certificates of merit or medals of honor—be given enlisted men.
I am sure the Twenty-fifth Infantry did excellent service, as reported, though not better than the others engaged. General Chaffee's brigade was especially charged with the duty of assaulting the stone fort, and successfully executed that duty, after which a portion of the Twenty-fifth Infantry and a portion of General Bates's brigade assisted in the work, all of which is commendable.
Lieutenant-Colonel Daggett deserves special mention for skillful handling of his regiment, and would have received it before had the fact been reported by his brigade commander.
I desire also to thank Lieut. Col. A. S. Wagner, assistant adjutant-general, for voluntarily being with me during part of the day and rendering me assistance during the battle.
Very respectfully,
Major-General, U. S. Volunteers.
June 27, 1898.
SIR: I have the honor to report that, my division having captured Juraguacito, Cuba, and taken position there under your orders of June 22, and being moved therefrom under orders from General Wheeler (which have already been reported to you on the 24th instant), moved forward on the road to Seville with two regiments of the First Brigade, the Eighth and Twenty-second Infantry (the Second Massachusetts Volunteers having left, holding Juraguacito). The Third Brigade, under General Chaffee, the Twelfth, Seventh, and Seventeenth Infantry, moved on the same road to the point where General Young's troops had met and engaged with the enemy. I then directed the return of the Eighth and Twenty-second Infantry at once to Juragnacito for rations, where, in the meantime, the Second Massachusetts and one company of the Eighth Infantry were to at once unload rations for the First Brigade. The brigade having concentrated, and being rationed, moved at 4 o'clock toward Seville, General Chaffee's brigade in the meantime having advanced about 4 miles toward Seville and about 2 miles beyond where General Young had met the enemy. Colonel Miles's brigade (the Second) had moved on the right flank up the valley toward Seville. It was recalled to Juraguacito for rations, and arrived about 8 o'clock at night, with the exception of one battalion of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, which did not arrive until next morning, it having been cut off by other troops. I remained at the point with my aids and sent the adjutant-general of the division, charged with executing orders at Juraguacito, he having with him the chief quartermaster and chief commissary and all headquarters detachments and property.
On the morning of the 25th the Second Brigade was rationed for three days and moved forward to join me, starting at about 1 o'clock, arriving about 4 p.m. A pack train of about 15 mules, obtained from Colonel Wood, moved at 8 o'clock from Juraguacito with rations for General Chaffee's brigade. A portion of the pack train, composed of sick and disabled mules pronounced unfit to be with the main train, were retained to bring division headquarters forward, which movement was started about 1 o'clock from Juraguacito. The chief commissary was left at Juraguacito in charge of the remaining rations of General Chaffee's brigade, and the chief quartermaster dispatched to Baiquiri to obtain a division wagon train.
On the morning of the 26th the division headquarters was held until about 4 o'clock where I had located in Seville, and then moved forward about l ¼ miles farther on the Seville road. About this time the chief quartermaster returned from Baiquiri with a pack train loaded with rations for General Chaffee and delivered them to him. About 5 p.m., the effective portion of the pack train obtained from Colonel Wood, which had taken its second load of rations to the front, arrived at division headquarters and it, with the disabled portion, was sent to report to Captain Cabanis. About 4 p. m., under your orders transmitted to me by General Wheeler, General Chaffee's brigade was ordered forward to occupy the line of the Guanla River, after I had inspected the ground. The First and Second brigades were ordered to get ready to move forward early on the morning of the 27th.
On the morning of the 27th these brigades were in march about 5.30 a. m., and went into camp near the Third Brigade, near which are my headquarters.
I inclose also copy of report of chief surgeon as to casualties on 23d instant.
Very respectfully,
Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers, Commanding Second Division.

July 5, 1898.
Second Division, Fifth Army Corps.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following preliminary report of the part taken by my command in the battle of Caney, July 1, 1898. When time and opportunity permits I desire to submit a fuller supplementary report on the same subject.
The command, consisting of the Twenty-fifth and Fourth regiments of infantry (the First Infantry had been detached as support for Capron's battery), left El Poso at daylight, July 1, and halted at Marianahe for about one hour (6.80 to 7.30). During that time the command felt the ground toward the Ducrot House, on the Caney-Santiago road. From there reconnoitering parties were sent to the front, and on our right and left flanks, for the purpose of discovering the enemy and to ascertain the left of Ludlow's brigade, eventually finding the Second Massachusetts Regiment, with which I was ordered to conduct and hold my command in reserve. At the junction of the Marianhe trail with the Santiago-Caney road I remained until General Lawton, at 11.80 a. m., ordered the brigade to take position on the right of Ludlow's brigade. We were detained in reaching our position by troops in front blocking the road. We came into action directly in front of the stone blockhouse at 12.30, and from that hour until about 4.30, when the command to "cease firing" was given, the blockhouse having been captured, my brigade was continuously under fire.
The attack was begun by two companies in each regiment on the firing line, strengthened by supports and reserves from the remaining companies until the brigade had but two companies left in reserve. At one time in this hotly engaged contest the commanding officer Twenty-fifth Infantry sent me word that he needed troops on his right. I then sent forward 40 Cubans, under command of Capt. Jose Vargas and Avelens Bravo, with Lieuts. Nicolas Franco and Tomas Repelao, to force on the right of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, which was also the right of the brigade. With these Cubans I ordered Private Henry Downey, Company H, First Infantry, on duty as interpreter at the headquarters. These men advanced on the stone fort with our line, fighting gallantly, during which Lieut. Nicolas Franco was mortally wounded and died soon afterwards.
The brigade advanced steadily with such scanty cover as the ground afforded, maintaining a heavy fire on the stone fort from the time the fight begun until it ended.
As the brigade advanced across a plowed field in front of the enemy's position, the latter's sharpshooters in the houses in Caney enfiladed the left of our line with a murderous fire. To silence it Maj. Stephen Baker, Fourth Infantry, in command of the battalion of that regiment on the left of our line of battle, directed it to turn its fire upon the town. In so doing this battalion lost heavily, but its steady front and accurate volleys greatly assisted the advance of the remainder of the brigade upon the stone fort.
With regard to the tactical employment of the regiments of this brigade, a line of skirmishers was formed direct from close order, at a distance of about 1,600 yards, and advanced through dense underbrush and three wire fences for about 600 yards. During this advance the brigade was under a heavy fire from an enemy who could not be seen; but the coolness displayed during this period is worthy of special mention.
The gallant conduct of all officers of this brigade, coming under my personal observation, was so marked that it would be unjust to make special mention of any one of them. Attention is, however, directed to the reports of the regimental commanders, herewith inclosed.
Of my personal staff, I desire to make mention of Second Lieut. Dennis E. Nolan, First Infantry, acting assistant adjutant-general on this day, for his ability, bravery, and untiring energy in carrying my orders to exposed points during the entire day.
Lieut. Paul A. Wolf, Fourth Infantry, acting brigade quartermaster and commissary, was absent under orders (hiring the battle, engaged in forwarding supplies to the command.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant.
EVAN MILES, Colonel First Infantry, Commanding Second Brigade.

San Luis, Cuba, August 11, 1895.
The ADJUTANT-GENERAL U. S. ARMY, Washington, D. C.
(Through military channels.)
SIR: For the information of the War Department as a matter of record for the regiment, I have the honor, under General Orders, No. 72, A. G. O., c. s., to submit the following itinerary of the First Infantry from date of its departure from the United States and landing in Cuba in connection with the war between the United States and Spain.
The regiment forming part of the Fifth Corps boarded the flagship Seguraca at Port Tampa, Fla., on the 6th of June, 1898, and departed on the voyage for Santiago de Cuba June 14, 1898, under the escort of the navy.
On June 22, under cover of the guns from the naval squadron, the troops landed in small boats with three days' rations, blanket rolls, etc., and were immediately placed upon outposts and scouting duty to the front under a most torrid sun and through an almost impenetrable undergrowth.
No transportation for the troops by pack or wagon was furnished. At night we rejoined the brigade several miles in advance toward Sevilla.
June 23. Reveille at 3.30. Took lead in brigade and marched to Los Mangos, 6 miles; road a mere trail through heavy jungle, congested with troops all along; encamped in a cocoanut grove; scouting all day.
June 24. Marched by circuitous route 12 miles with the brigade, passing in the evening about 7 o'clock the battlefield at Sevilla, and returning to old camp at 10 p. m.
June 25. In camp until 1 p. m., then advanced 4 miles on Santiago road and encamped alongside.
Outpost duty June 25 and 26. On the 27th marched about 2½ miles toward El Caney. Outpost duty until the 30th.
On June 30 ordered to act as support and conduct Capron's battery, First Artillery, to position 2,000 yards from El Caney. Outpost duty.
July 1. Battery opened fire at 6.30 a. m., and continued till 3 p. m. Slight fire from spent balls of the Spaniards during the day.
Moved nearer with the battery at 3.30 p. m., by the Dubroix road. At night, after the Spanish troops had retreated, the regiment was ordered to go to the support of General Sumner, who was reported hard pressed. Lay in the road a night under the enemy's guns in immediate front of Santiago, and at 2 a. m. moved with battery to help out at San Juan. Reached San Juan at 8. a. m. At El Poso House regiment and battery stopped by General Shaffer. From this date, the 3d of July, the regiment was in support of four batteries on the left flank of the army, posted along a ridge road cut through the timber for suitable artillery position, 2 miles from water, with intensely hot and suffocating air.
Several companies during the time, July 3 to 7, acted as rear guard, arresting stragglers. One man of B Company wounded on the 3d.
The stench along all roads from dead or wounded men or animals and general garbage and decaying matter was sickening, which, together with bad water, commenced to tell on the men.
On July 10 regiment relieved by Thirty-fourth Michigan, and moved toward Santiago and to the extreme right of the army. At 4.20 p. m. in rear of Capron's and Hines's batteries, under heavy shelling; one man of E Company struck by a piece of shell. Laid in trenches during outpost duty until the 13th, when the regiment advanced with the Second Division to a point about 1,000 yards from nortof the city. Built intrenchments along the F-----C----de Santiago de Cuba. Men again feeling the special strain, and fast going on sick report or struggling along in a weak and feverish condition.
On July 14 recalled under terms of the capitulation to old works, and remained doing little but nurse the sick under trying conditions, until July 25, when regiment departed for San Luis, Cuba, to act as guard and superintend the feeding of 4,000 Spanish prisoners.
Regular reports of casualties were forwarded through proper channels as soon as practicable.
In conclusion, I desire to say, in brief, that all officers and men have, under the most trying short campaign I have ever experienced, successfully carried out a loyal desire to do their full duty in every respect.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel First U. S. Infantry, Commanding Regiment.

[Second indorsement.]
Port Tampa, Fla., May 17, 1898.
Respectfully forwarded to the adjutant-general Fourth Brigade, United States forces.
The indorsement of Capt. J. H. Dorst, Fourth Cavalry, commanding expedition to Cuba, concerning the excellent conduct of the officers and enlisted men of Companies E and G, First Infantry, during an engagement with the Spaniards at Point Arbolitos, Cuba, on the 12th instant, and the favorable comment of the officers of the steamship that transported the command, and of other disinterested observers, is highly gratifying to the regimental commander.
The officers and men of the First Infantry feel proud of their companions in arms for having acquitted themselves with honor in the first conflict between the land forces of the opposing armies.
Captain O'Connell insisted upon taking command of his company when it was detailed to accompany the expedition, notwithstanding the fact that he was suffering from sickness and had been sick for several days prior to the departure of the expedition.
EVAN MILES, Colonel First Infantry, Commanding.
Second Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Army Corps.
SIR: I have the honor to make the following report of the action of my regiment in the engagement at Caney on July 1, 1898:
The regiment became engaged about noon, the First Battalion, under Maj. Stephen Baker, consisting of Companies B, C, E, and G, forming the fighting line, and the Second Battalion, consisting of Companies A, D, F, and H, forming the reserve. The advance was over about 1,000 yards, the fighting line becoming very severely engaged at once and losing heavily throughout the engagement. As soon as the supports of the First Battalion were absorbed, I went forward with companies D and H, of the Second Battalion, they taking the place of the two companies of the First Battalion absorbed in the firing line. Advance was made to within about 300 yards of the brick fort, and, further advance becoming impracticable, that position was held, fire being directed on the fort and on the buildings of the town to the left of the fort. This position was held till the conclusion of the engagement, the regiment losing 1 officer and 6 enlisted men killed and 2 officers and 30 enlisted men wounded and 1 enlisted man missing.
The conduct of the officers and men of the regiment was everything that could be desired, and, though there were many acts of individual bravery, it would seem invidious to make distinctions where everybody did his whole duty.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel Fourth Infantry, Commanding Regiment.
FORT SHERIDAN, ILL., September 24, 1898.
Washington, D. C.
(Through military channels, with request that this paper be referred to Maj.-Gen. W. R. Shafter, U. S. Volunteers.)
SIR: Under Paragraph I, General Orders, No. 72, A. G. O., c. s., and in view of the requirements of General Orders, No. 135, A. G. O., c. s.; also because, due to the hurry and hardship of the campaign, which made it impossible to carry record books, I can find nothing in the regimental records of any report of the action of the Fourth Infantry in the recent campaign in Cuba having been made by the then regimental commander, I deem it my duty to submit the following as a supplemental report in the interests of the regiment and the service:
On the 1st of July the regiment marched from bivouac at El Poso to a point about 2 miles from El Caney, where it rested within sound of the guns of the battle then in progress. About 12 m. we received orders directing us to take our place in the line of battle, and, arriving at the proper point, the regiment was placed in line in the following order: The First Battalion in the fighting line: the Second in support and regimental reserve. Captains Price and Robinson commanded the two companies in the fighting line of the First Battalion; Cap-
tains Lovering and Browne the support. In this order the First Battalion, under my command, took up the advance toward the blockhouse, to our right southeast of El Caney. We had marched but a short distance before we came under a heavy fire, not only from our front, but also from our left front. I saw that to advance under such circumstances it would be necessary to at once order up the companies in support. Captain Lovering's was the first to take its place in line, and shortly after Captain Browne came up on his left. The position now was on or just below a ridge on the left bank of a creek, about 200 yards from the village, and the fire became general, and in spots withering. Captains Price and Robinson reached and held the bed of a creek, from which the companies fired into the town and also into the blockhouse until its fall. Captains Levering and Browne directed their fire at the town of El Caney, where individuals could be seen and firing from loopholes observed.
During this heavy firing Captain Andrus's company, of the Second Battalion, took up its place on the left of my line, and with it came the battalion commander, Captain Seton. This company I did not know was on my left, but observing troops firing steadily into the village, I started over to investigate, and there found Captain Andrus directing his men, under the supervision of Captain Seton, in a manner so particularly cool and collected as to immediately attract my attention. I remained with that company for about fifteen minutes and then went back, observing the whole line, and quickly perceived that an advance meant annihilation, as it would involve not only a frontal but also a flank fire from the town. As a matter of fact, the village of El Caney was not charged by any troops. Those of Bates's brigade and the Twenty-fifth Infantry, after having carried the stone fort (on a hill some 75 feet higher and to the east of the town), fired into the village, and the Fourth Infantry continued its fire. Nor was it charged by any of the troops to our left. Such a charge would necessarily have been seen by us. About an hour and a half after the capture of the stone fort the Spaniards evacuated the village in consequence of the fire above referred to.
The conduct of the troops was simply perfect.
First Lieut. W. C. Neary and Second Lieut. J. J. Bernard, Fourth Infantry, proved their distinguished bravery by laying down their lives on the field.
What happened in the remainder of the regiment I am unable to state. The officers were in their proper positions, but without my range of vision.
After this battle we received an order to proceed toward Santiago de Cuba, were halted in the road from about 12 p. m. till 2 a. m., when we were ordered to retrace our steps for some distance and proceed, via El Poso, to the vicinity of the Santa Cruz house, on the right of the position of the army, which place we reached about 12 m. of the 2d, having been under fire for almost all the time. About 9.30 p. m. of the 2d an alarm of attack by the Spaniards was raised, and three companies of the second battalion (Captains Mason, Howland, and Andrus), under Captain Seton, advanced toward the Spanish position. But though the fire was strong, it was high, and the casualties were few—1 killed in Captain Andrus's company and 1 wounded.
Next day we proceeded, under the brigade commander, with one man of Captain Robinson's company being struck, and having his wounds dressed by Lieu-tenant Dorey under fire, to the right of the El Caney road, where we remained behind a hill protected from fire until about 12 p. m. of the same day (8d), when we received orders to proceed to the front and extreme right of the line and to intrench. Position occupied about 2 a. m.; strong trench completed by daylight.
Having completed the work of intrenching, the regiment, fatigued and weary, received orders to move further to the right and take up position, which we most carefully constructed, to the great fatigue of both men and officers, by reliefs, working all day and part of the night. This position we occupied while the bombardment took place, on the 10th of July, during which Captains Robinson's and Browne's companies, under my immediate command, fired about 6,000 rounds of ammunition at Spanish positions whose distances had been previously ascertained.
During this bombardment Capt. Frank B. Andrus, Fourth Infantry, whose company was in support, voluntarily took up an exposed position immediately in rear of the trench, and with a field glass remained standing observing the Spanish troops and informing Captain Robinson, that he might better direct the fire of his men. Such position he maintained under fire for a considerable time.
Moving farther to the right on the morning of the 11th, we took up our last position, overlooking the bay and city of Santiago de Cuba, and again constructed intrenchments, although by this time the men were in an almost exhausted condition from exposure to the rain and sun and from sleeping on the ground. The regiment was to be in reserve during an expected charge, but no action was taken, as the surrender was announced on July 14.
25 MG

The campaign, from Daiquiri to our last position in front of Santiago, was of the most exhausting and trying nature—officers and men carrying their own packs and food; officers drawing their rations with the men, cooking it as they could; all sleeping on the ground, saturated with rain or perspiration, made the campaign unique for hardship and apparently never-ending fatigue. During all this time the number of men reported sick did not exceed 20, but immediately after the surrender the number began to increase until it reached 145. When we left Cuba I do not think that there were a dozen men who had not been on sick report from malarial causes, due to the extraordinary though necessary hardships we were called upon to endure.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, Fourth Infantry, Commanding Regiment.
July 5, 1898.
Second Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Corps.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Twenty-fifth Infantry in the battle of the 1st instant.
The regiment formed firing line on the right of the Fourth Infantry, facings Spanish fort or blockhouse about half a mile distant. On moving forward the battalion, composed of Companies C, D, E, G, and H, and commanded by Capt. W. S. Scott, received the fire of the enemy, and after advancing about 400 yards was subjected to a galling fire on their left. Finding cover, the battalion prepared for an advance up the hill to the fort. This advance was made rapidly and conducted with great skill by company officers.
On arriving within a short distance of the fort the white flag was waved to our companies, but a cross fire prevented the enemy from advancing with it or our officers from receiving it. About twenty minutes later a battalion of some other regiment advanced to the rear of the fort, completely covered from fire, and received the flag, but the men of the Twenty-fifth Infantry entered the fort at the same time. All officers and men behaved gallantly. One officer was killed and 3 wounded; 8 men were killed and 20 wounded.
About 200 men and 10 officers were in the firing line. I attribute the comparatively small losses to the skill and bravery of the company officers, viz, First Lieutenant Caldwell and Second Lieutenants Moss and Hunt. Second Lieutenant French, adjutant of the battalion, was among those who gallantly entered the fort.
The battle lasted about two hours and was a hotly contested combat.
Very respectfully,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Twenty-fifth Infantry, Commanding.
Near Santiago, Cuba, July 16, 1898.
Second Division, Fifth Corps, near Santiago, Cuba.
SIR: Feeling that the Twenty-fifth Infantry has not received credit for the it took in the battle of El Caney on the first instant, I have the honor to submit the following facts:
I was ordered by the brigade commander to put two companies (H, Lieutenant Caldwell, and G, Lieutenant McCorkle) or the firing line in extended order. The right being uncovered and exposed to the enemy, I ordered D Company (Captain Edwards) to deploy as flankers. The battalion was commanded by Capt. W. S. Scott. The battalion advanced about 300 yards under fire, the Fourth Infantry on its left, where the line found cover, halted, and opened fire on the blockhouse and intrenchments in front of it. After the line had been steadied and had delivered an effective fire I ordered a further advance, which was promptly made. As the Fourth Infantry did not advance, my left was exposed to a very severe fire from the village on the left. I immediately ordered Company C (Lieutenant Murdock), which was in support, to the front and E Company (Lieutenant Kinnison) from regimental reserve to take its place. Thus strengthened the four companies moved up the hill rapidly, being skillfully handled by company officers. On arriving near the fort the white flag was waved toward our men, but the fire
from the village on our left was so severe that neither our officers nor Spanish could pass over the intervening ground. After about twenty minutes some of the Twelfth Infantry arrived in rear of the fort, completely sheltered from the fire from the village, and received the white flag; but Privates J. H. Jones, of Company D, and T. C. Butler, H Company, Twenty-fifth Infantry, entered the fort at the same time and took possession of the Spanish flag. They were ordered to give it up by an officer of the Twelfth United States Infantry, but before doing so they each tore a piece from it, which they now have. So much for the facts.
I attribute the success attained by our line largely to the bravery and skill of the company officers who conducted the line to the fort. These officers are: First Lieuts. V. A. Caldwell and J. A. Moss and Second Lieut. J. E. Hunt. It is my opinion that the two companies first deployed could not have reached the fort alone, and that it was the two companies I ordered to their support that gave them the power to reach it. I further believe that had we failed to move beyond the Fourth Infantry the fort would not have been taken that night.
The Twenty-fifth Infantry lost 1 officer killed* and 3 wounded and 7 men killed and 28 wounded.
Second Lieut. H. W. French, adjutant of Captain Scott's battalion, arrived at the fort near the same time as the other officers.
I request that this report be forwarded to corps headquarters.
Very respectfully,
A. S. DAGGETT, Lieutenant-Colonel, Twenty-fifth Infantry, Commanding.
HEADQUARTERS TWENTY-FIFTH INFANTRY, Montauk Point, Long Island, August 22, 1898.
The ADJUTANT-GENERAL U. S. ARMY, Washington, D. C.
SIR: I have the honor to submit a supplementary report to the original one made on the 19th of July, 1898, of the battle of El Caney de Cuba, so far as relates to the part taken therein by the Twenty-fifth Infantry:
1. I stated in the original report that the Twenty-fifth Infantry, in advancing, broke away from and left the Fourth Infantry behind. This may inferentially reflect on the latter regiment. It was not so intended, and a subsequent visit to the battlefield convinces me that it would have been impossible for the regiment to advance to the fort, and, although it might have advanced a short distance farther, it would have resulted in a useless slaughter, and that the battalion commander exercised excellent judgment in remaining where he did and by his fire aiding the Twenty-fifth Infantry in its advance.
2. Colonel Miles, the then brigade commander, informed me that his first report of the battle would be brief and that a later and full report would be made. In his former report I think he failed to give credit to myself and regiment. As he was soon after relieved of the command of the brigade I assume that no further report will be made.
I have reported what the regiment did, but said nothing about my own action. I must, therefore, report it myself or let it go unrecorded. Distasteful as it is to me, I deem it duty to my children to state the facts and my claims based thereon, as follows:
1. I was ordered to put two companies in the firing line. Before this line advanced the brigade commander informed me, and personal examination verified, that my right was in the air and exposed. On my own judgment I ordered a company, as flankers, to that part of the line.
2. As soon as the line had rested and become steadied at its first halt I ordered it to advance, and it continued to advance, although it broke away from the rest of the brigade.
3. As this exposed the left to a galling and dangerous fire, I ordered, on my own judgment, a company to reenforce that part of the line and a company from the regimental reserve also to the fighting line.
These are the facts, and as my orders were to keep my left joined to the right of the Fourth Infantry, and received no further orders, my claims are as follows:
1. That it was necessary to place a company on the right as flankers.
2. That the conditions offered an opportunity to advance after the first halt and I took advantage of it.
*First Lieutenant McCorkle killed; Captain Edwards and First Lieutenants Kinnison and Murdock wounded. [back]

3. That the left being exposed by this advance of the line beyond the rest of the brigade, it was proper and necessary to reenforce it by two companies.
4. That the two companies first deployed could not have reached the stone fort.
5. That the three companies added to the firing line gave it the power to reach the fort.
6. That the advance beyond the rest of the brigade was a bold and, without support, dangerous movement, but that the result justified the act. Had it failed I would have been held responsible.
7. That I saw at each stage of the battle what ought to be done, and did it. Results show that it was done at the right moment.
8. That the Twenty-fifth Infantry caused the surrender of the stone fort. I desire to repeat that it is with great reluctance that I make so much of this report as relates to myself, and nothing but a sense of duty would impel me to do it.
Very respectfully,
A. S. DAGGETT, Lieutenant-Colonel Twenty-fifth Infantry, Commanding.
[First indorsement.]
Camp Wikoff, Long Island, August 22, 1898.
Respectfully forwarded to adjutant-general Second Division.
C. MCKIBBIN, Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers, Commanding.
[Second indorsement.]
Camp Wikoff, Long Island, N. Y., August 28, 1898.
Respectfully forwarded to the adjutant-general, Camp Wikoff. The present division commander commanded the Third Brigade at the battle of El Caney, and most emphatically repudiates the statement that the Twenty-fifth caused the capture of the stone fort. This stone fort was practically in the possession of the Twelfth Infantry at about 2 p. m. July 1, but the commanding officer of the regiment, Colonel Comba, asked to postpone the assault until about 3 p. m. in consequence of the fire of General Bates's troops onto the fort, which would have enfiladed his regiment; also the fire of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, from the position it occupied in the field, onto the stone fort was directly in the face of the Twelfth Infantry, and it is not believed that much of a fire could have been directed at the fort by the Twenty-fifth. When I saw the Twenty-fifth, as they emerged from cover into the open before the town, their fire seemed to be directed on the blockhouse to the west of the stone fort and the town itself. It is not disputed, however, that some of the Twenty-fifth fired on the stone fort. The troops arriving at the stone fort were there in the following order: Twelfth Infantry, which took the place the command of General Bates, some minutes later; the Twenty-fifth Infantry. A captain of the Twenty-fifth Infantry claimed the capture of the place from at the time and on the ground, and I told him then that his proposition was absurd, and stated to him the order in which the troops arrived.
ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Major-General, U. S. Volunteers, Commanding Division

Near Santiago de Cuba, July 7, 1898.
SIR: I have the honor to make the following report in pursuance to instructions:
The battery left camp near Sevilla about 2 p. m. June 30, and went into camp about 8 p. m., about 2,500 yards from Caney. The battery formed for action at day-break July 1, and opened fire under personal orders of the major-general in command about 6.15 o'clock a. m., and continued its fire against specified objectives intermittently throughout the day under the personal direction of the division commander. The results against visible targets were satisfactory and the action of the projectiles appeared uniform and effective. The projecting charges varied somewhat, as is usual, but not enough to seriously affect the ballistic results.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
First Artillery, Commanding Light Battery E.
IN CAMP, SANTIAGO, CUBA, July 15, 1898.
Respectfully submit the following:
- June 13. — Left slip at Port Tampa on board steamer Comal.
- June 20. — Arrived off Santiago de Cuba about 11.20 a. m.
- June 22. — Anchored off Daiquiri.
- June 23. — Began unloading horses.
- June 24. — Finished unloading horses.
- June 25. — Men of battery came ashore at Daiquiri.
- June 20. — Material of battery unloaded.
- June 27. — Left Daiquiri 9.30 a. m.; arrived at Siboney 2 p. m.
- June 28. — Left Siboney 6 a. m.; arrived at camp near Sevilla 10 a. m.
- June 30. — Left camp near Sevilla 3.30 p. m. and took position near El Caney 8.30 p.m. to fire on El Caney the following day.
- July 1. — Fired shell and shrapnel into El Caney (range, 2,400 yards) 6.15 a. m. to 11.30 a. m. Recommenced 12.30 a. m., continuing until 2.10 p. m. Changed position for one 1,000 yards from El Caney and fired into two blockhouses. Battery marched toward Santiago and about dark halted on road and bivouacked for the night about 1 mile from Santiago.
- July 2. — Orders received to move about, 2 a. m. July 2. Reached a position on left of line 8.30 a. m. with the other three batteries. Gun pits dug there (El Pose).
- July 3. — Left for position on the right of the line. Went into camp near firing line 6.30 p. m. At 11.30 p. m. left camp and camped back of protecting hill with Fourth Infantry.
- July 5. — Left that camp at 9 a. m. Arrived at position overlooking Santiago 10 a. m. Threw up intrenchments to include 9th instant. Range from 1,200 to 2,500 yards.
- July 10. — Began firing on enemy's linos and batteries in front of Santiago at 4.30 p. m., continuing until dark.
- July 11. — Opened fire on enemy's lines and batteries at about 6 a. m., continuing intermittently until 1 p. m.
The firing has been active, accurate, and destructive. The men behaved well and did all that was expected of them.
Respectfully submitted.
Captain, First Artillery, Commanding Light Battery E.
Major DILLENBACK Second U. S. Artillery.

HUNTSVILLE, ALA., November 14, 1898.
(Through military channels).
SIR: I have the honor to supplement my report of the operations of the Twelfth United States Infantry, July 1 to 3, 1898, both days inclusive, made before Santiago de Cuba, July 4, 1898, by forwarding herewith the reports of Maj. H. H. Humphreys, Twelfth Infantry, and Capt. H. L. Haskell, Twelfth Infantry, who com-
manded the First and Second Battalions of the regiment during the operations, together with the reports of seven company commanders engaged. I also inclose a map, made by First Lieut. Willis Uline, Twelfth Infantry, showing the portion of the field of El Caney covered by the regiment. These reports furnish a detailed account of the operations of each unit of the regiment, as observed by the officers in immediate contact with the men. They form an interesting and valuable record and should be preserved as an important part of the official history of the war.
I desire to invite attention to the specific acts of gallantry on the part of officers and men mentioned in these reports, and to add my hearty approval to the commendation of battalion and company commanders.
I have already mentioned by name a number of the officers who showed in my presence special skill and gallantry, and I wish again to express appreciation of the conduct of all officers of the regiment and especially to commend the company commanders for their skill and gallantry on the field of Caney, at San Juan, and during the subsequent operations, and for their steadfast devotion to duty and unswerving attention to their men throughout the campaign. In this connection I would make special mention of Capt. Millard F. Waltz, who is one of the best company commanders I have ever known, as exemplified equally by superior care of his men, and the skill, energy, and gallantry displayed by him at the battle of El Caney.
First Lieut. Mark L. Hersey, quartermaster, Twelfth Infantry, is another officer who displayed exceptional ability in the performance of varied and arduous duties during the campaign, until stricken with yellow fever at Siboney, July 13, 1898, where he had gone on special duties after all active operations were practically completed. No officer in my command was more faithful, energetic, and successful than Lieutenant Hersey.
Of the enlisted men Sergt. Maj. John S. E. Young and Quartermaster Sergt. John W. Blair, Twelfth Infantry, were noteworthy for faithful, zealous, and intelligent performance of duty.
I take this opportunity of again recommending Sergeant Major Young for a commission in the regular service. Quartermaster Sergt. John W. Blair succumbed to the fever and is buried in Cuba.
There were several specific acts of gallantry performed by enlisted men which, in my opinion, should be recognized by certificates of merit or medals of honor, as may be deemed most appropriate in each case. Privates James W. Smith and James McMillen, Company H, Twelfth Infantry, for acts mentioned in Captain Haskell's report, viz:
"I called for volunteers to cut the wires bordering the road to my left with a view of finding a position commanding the stone fort, which at this time was not in sight. This hazardous duty was coolly and bravely performed by Privates James W. Smith and James McMillen, of H Company, who cut five lines of wire in a dozen places and opened the way for our movement, their gallant conduct receiving most hearty commendation from all present."
To Corpl. Edward Meyers, Company E, Twelfth Infantry, for climbing upon the roof of the stone fort and waving the national flag while a hot fire was being poured upon him from the village, and similarly Joseph E. Abel, of Company E, Twelfth Infantry, voluntarily waved the regimental colors from the roof long and vigorously while the fire from the village and church continued to pour about him. I invite attention to First Sergts. John B. Murphy, Company H, Daniel Arundell, Company D, and Hamilton J. Carroll, Company C, as described in the reports of their immediate commanders.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General, United States Volunteers, and lately
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Twelfth Infantry.
November 29, 1898.
ADJUTANT TWELFTH INFANTRY, U. S. A., Jefferson Barracks, Mo.
SIR: In obedience to indorsement from your office, dated November 26, 1898, upon my letter of November 24, 1898, addressed to you, inquiring if it was desired a report of the operations of the First Battalion, Twelfth Infantry should be made, and, upon receiving an affirmative reply, I submit the following report, based upon notes made by myself, as I have not seen or read the reports, submitted by company commanders of the First Battalion, Twelfth Infantry.
I hope this report will not do anyone an injustice; but should it do so, it is requested my attention be called to it.

On April 19, 1898, this battalion left Valentine, Nebr., en route for New Orleans, La., passing through Chicago, Ill., Terre Haute, and Evansville, Ind., arriving April 21 at Nashville, Tenn. Here its destination was changed to Chickamagua Park, Ga., via Chattanooga, Tenn., the former place being reached before noon of April 22, and the battalion went into camp at the "Widow Glenn's House." During its stay at this park, from April 22 until May 13, the battalion was exercised in company drills, battalion extended order, suitable to the ground moved over, brigade and regimental drills, and parades.
May 13, 1898, the battalion marched for Ringgold, Ga., distance, 10 miles, and embarked for Tampa, Fla., upon tram which met us there. This place was reached early May 15, 1898, and the battalion was put into camp near siding of railroad in West Tampa.
The camp was upon low ground. In digging sinks water was found at the depth of 4 feet, and it has been stated to me this ground during the rainy season would be covered with water.
The battalion remained in camp—parades, brigade and regimental drills, estimating distance drill—until June 6, when orders were received to embark for Port Tampa, Fla.
All baggage to be taken to Cuba was packed by noon of that day. Tents remained standing until 5.30 p. m., when they were struck. Baggage was loaded on the train, and at 1 a. m. June 7, 1898, we were en route for Port Tampa, which was reached at 2.30 a. m., and the battalion marched on board the transport Cherokee. Part of its baggage was loaded on this ship and the remainder, with, I believe, some six days' travel rations, were loaded on the other transport, Iroquois, assigned to the brigade of which the Twelfth Infantry formed a part.
This separation from its baggage and rations was, I am led to believe, due to orders from higher authority than that of the regimental commander.
At midday we stop at St. Petersburg, Fla., for water, and then proceed to Mullets Point, off Egmont Key, and at 4 p. m. drop anchor. At 6.30 p. m. of same day the transport Cherokee is directed to return to Port Tampa, and on June 9 we enter the slip there.
On June 11 the transport is moved out into the bay, where the troops are more comfortable and the air much cooler than while in the slip. At 4 p. m. of June 14 we cross the bar at Egmont Key and proceed to sea, passing to the left of Dry Tortugas, thence turn easterly, proceeding at a distance of 15 miles from the north coast of the island of Cuba, through the Bahama Channel, around Cape Maysi, through the Windward Passage, and arrive off the mouth of the channel which leads to the city of Santiago de Cuba June 20, 1898.
That evening the transports move to the westward of Santiago for the night, returning the next morning.
This maneuver was followed for the day of June 21 until 7 p. m., when we are directed to proceed after the Iroquois and be in position off Baiquiri, or Daiquiri, at daylight of June 22. On that morning Company F, Twelfth Infantry, was transferred from the First Battalion, Twelfth Infantry, to the Second Battalion of that regiment, and Company C from the Second to the First battalion of the Twelfth Infantry by order of the regimental commander.
I was directed by the commanding officer Twelfth Infantry (Lieutenant-Colonel Comba) to proceed in the first boat, with the leading company of the first battalion (D) and superintend the landing of it on shore. This was complied with. Upon the arrival of all the companies of this battalion it was moved forward about 1 mile, arms were stacked, and it awaited the arrival of the second battalion.
We were towed by steam launches and boats furnished by the Navy. Our landing was hazardous, being compelled to jump from the boats onto the wharf upon the incoming of the waves.
A very high surf was running. Later in the afternoon the battalion moved forward about 1 1/2 miles, when it encamped for the night and remained there the next day.
At 5.30 a. m. June 24 the march was resumed in column of files, the road permitting only of this formation. Camp is made after a distance of some 8 miles is marched. Before tents are pitched the call to arms is sounded; volleys of musketry are heard ahead of us.
Siboney is passed through and camp is made a short distance beyond the ground fought over this day between the First and Ninth United States Cavalry and the First United States Volunteer Cavalry and Spaniards.
The men's packs are removed and the battalion receives orders to take part in further operations, which, however, are revoked.
The march was exceedingly exhausting to the men, the beat from the sun very
oppressive; no breeze reached us because of close thickets which lined both sides of the road, which road ran most of the time between high banks. Many men threw away their blankets because of the heat. The battalion commander fell out of the column because of it. He rejoined his regiment shortly after and marched with it to camp. Distance marched, about 12 miles.
On June 25 the battalion marched to Savilla, Cuba, a distance of 2 miles, and went into camp, from which place Santiago de Cuba can be seen, as well as some rifle pits, thrown up by the Spaniards outside of the city.
On June 26 we again marched toward Santiago about 2 miles, and are placed in position on left side of road upon high ground, which commands for a considerable distance in front. Here the first battalion is placed on outpost duty, Cossack posts being used, two companies on the line, and two in reserve. On the left of the picket line is a road leading to the castle of El Morro. This is watched by a detachment of the first battalion, which is posted about 500 yards in front of line of sentinels.
This ground is subsequently occupied by a detachment from the Eighth United States Infantry on the morning of June 27. We remain in camp until 4.30 p. m. of June 30, when we march to ground to the east of El Caney, distant about 2 miles, and go into camp for the night, having marched some 5 miles over heavy roads.
Each man has on his person 100 rounds of ammunition. Before daylight we are up and march for El Caney and approach to within 1,200 yards of a large stone fort, from which flies the colors of Spain. This fort is pointed out to me by Lieutenant-Colonel Comba, commanding the regiment, as my objective, and orders are received to secure the crest of hills to my left front, hold them, and cover the deployment of the second battalion to the right.
The crest of these hills are seized by Companies A and D, First Battalion, Twelfth Infantry, and fire opened upon the town of El Caney and the big stone fort, distant about 700 yards. Companies B and C, Twelfth Infanty, together with the second battalion, deploy on our right and move down into low ground and nearer the town of El Caney.
This large fort occupies a commanding position, covering all the ground with its fire, and in its front down the slope are rifle pits.
To the north of El Caney and just outside is another blockhouse and rifle pits. To the southwest are other blockhouses with rifle pits. To our right and distant about 1 mile is another blockhouse. These are held in force by the Spaniards.
All houses on the outside of the town are filled with the enemy's infantry, also the steeple of the church, and high trees in the town, who open fire upon us as the regiment deploys.
At about 7.15 a. m. the Seventh and Seventeenth regiments are seen moving on road to our right and roar, passing in front of the blockhouse on our right, and these regiments close in on the town of El Caney from the north, and are received by the Spaniards with a heavy fire, not only from the blockhouse, but the rifle pits, houses, and high places, situated on the north side of El Caney.
The ground slopes down from the position held by Companies A and D, then rises again, on the summit of which stands our objective; our left front is clear of trees, our right front is wooded, hiding a great deal from view that is going on north of El Caney, where are the Seventh and Seventeenth regiments of infantry.
Immediately in our front, and at the foot of the slope of hills held by the two companies of the first battalion, is a road or trail, somewhat sunken, running north and south. Here Company C, Twelfth Infantry, opens fire upon the big stone fort, distant about 300 or 400 yards; then moves farther to the left, and occupies a bald hill still nearer the fort, but is compelled by the enemy's fire to retire. At this place Lieutenant Dove, who fearlessly exposed himself, was wounded.
Again and again during the day Captain Waltz, commanding this company, tried to gain an advantage from this point, but was compelled to retire by the fire of the enemy. During the morning two men of the Twelfth Infantry—I do not know their names or companies—are seen in our front, and near the town of El Caney, cutting down the wire fencing. That they were fired upon, goes without saying. When this work is finished they retire.
At about 7 or 7.15 a. m. fire was opened by our artillery (Captain Capron's Battery E, First Artillery), from its position on our left rear, upon the big stone fort. The shells at first burst short, and then go through the fort, making large holes in its walls. A shell, or fragments of it, cuts down the flagstaff, from
which floated the Spanish flag. It is not hoisted again that day. The artillery fire was continued during the morning, and ceased about 2 p. m. The fire was deliberate.
Companies A and D, while holding their first position, fired volleys slowly and deliberately upon the big stone fort and rifle pits in front of it until orders came for them to join the regiment (Twelfth) in the valley below and nearer the village of El Caney.
Captain Lee, of the English artillery, was with us most of the morning. At about 2 or 2.30 p. m., July 1, orders were received from the commanding officer of the regiment to join him. Our position was evacuated and the command reported to him in a piece of sunken road, still nearer El Caney, where was also our brigade commander. Here we rested some time, and again pushed forward in the direction of the big stone fort, being screened on our right by a hedge of trees, which gave out at about 150 or 200 yards from the fort.
Here stood Colonel Comba and Captain Haskell, of the Twelfth Infantry. Companies A and D were rapidly formed for an assault and charged the fort at once, running down one side of the hill, crossing a flat, and up the other hill, upon which stood the fort, pulling and cutting down the wire fences which impeded their progress. Some men were killed or wounded; how many I do not know, for there was no time to be lost.
Captains Haskell and Clark were in advance of all, then came Captain Wood, Lieutenants Wilde, Wood, and Smith, A. T., with a few men, and then the command.
As I passed Colonel Comba he said to me, "I want that fort held," to which reply was made, "It will be held against all comers," or words to that effect. The fort was taken and with it the key to the position of El Caney. A furious fire was opened upon us from El Caney and the blockhouses mentioned in this report.
I can not speak in too high terms of the gallantry displayed by Captains Haskell, Wood, and Clark, Lieutenants Wilde, Wood, and Smith, A. T., who sprang to the front and led their men in this dangerous assault.
Captain Haskell, I understand, entered the fort, as did also Lieutenant Wilde, who brought out from it as his prisoner a lieutenant of the Spanish garrison. This act of Lieutant Wilde's I saw. Measures were at once taken to hold the fort, and in part executed, but the men were so wild with excitement it was some time before this was calmed.
The bearer of the national colors mounted the roof of the fort and displayed them under a severe fire. His name, I believe, to be Able.
After the fort had been taken by the Twelfth Infantry other troops joined us, the brigade of General Bates coming up on our left. This brigade, with the Twelfth, opened fire upon the town of El Caney, still in possession of the enemy. Some Cubans also arrived; presumably they were with General Bates's brigade. These Cubans fired up and down, adding to the noise of the fight and doing little, if any, damage to the Spaniards. How they escaped killing or wounding themselves is to me a mystery.
I saw also some of our colored infantry, and believe they belonged to the Twenty-fifth Regiment; but this was after the fort had fallen. Here I again met Captain Lee, of the English Army, and saw also the German military attache. The former asked me if it was customary with us to assault blockhouses and rifle pits before they had been searched by artillery; to which reply was made, "Not always." That the gallantry displayed by the Twelfth Infantry in this assault upon the stone fort was not lost upon Captain Lee goes without saying.
The estimated strength of the enemy at the position of El Caney was about 500 men.
The battalion was withdrawn and food partially prepared, after which the march was resumed at 7.30 p. m. for San Juan, and continued all that night. At about midnight we halted for nearly two hours. Advantage was then taken to issue ammunition of 100 rounds per man, when it was resumed, our route being to and over the San Juan River and up the so-called "Bloody Lane" or road. Here the battalion removed their packs and pushed on for the San Juan Hill, which was reached early that morning, relieving in the trenches the Ninth United States Cavalry. Two companies were placed in the trenches and two held in reserve, each relieving the other at intervals of two hours. The pits are extended to the right, connecting with the Seventeenth Infantry, and to the left with the Second Battalion of the Twelfth Infantry.
Our position was very strong, the ground in front dropping rapidly away and at its foot met by a thick tropical undergrowth, which precluded all movements of the enemy.

The city of Santiago is in plain view and not over 1,000 yards distant. The flags of the Geneva Convention float from many buildings in the city.
The fire from the enemy is at times severe. Some of the men are killed and wounded. From this position the value of smokeless powder was plainly visible. To this day I am unable to state positively where a particularly irritating fire came from, which searched our pits from left to right and the ground in rear of them. Traverses were erected in the trenches.
At sundown all opportunity offered to prepare food, the first good meal which had been partaken of by the whole battalion in the past thirty-six hours. At 10.15 p. m. of this day fire was opened upon us by the Spaniards. Shell and shrapnel burst in front, over, and in rear of our position. This was replied to by us. Our fire I tried to stop, not only by oral commands, but by trumpet. Succeeded in part, when it would burst out again. It was known our position was unassailable, and all the ammunition fired there by us was wasted. Two bright signal fires of the enemy were visible, one to the north, the other to the west of us. Judging by the noise made by our rifles, our whole army must have been engaged. After awhile the firing ceased. Upon our arrival early that morning at the San Juan Hill, and in rear of the Ninth United States Cavalry, the commanding officer of the First Battalion fell out from sheer exhaustion.
He resumed command when the Ninth United States Cavalry was relieved in the trenches. July 3, we are still under fire and in the position assumed on the morning of July 2. We hear heavy firing out to sea and presume our fleet is in action. We learn later in the day, Admiral Cervera had sailed out of the harbor of Santiago this morning with his vessels and had met with defeat from the hands of our Navy. July 4, we parade with the Seventh and Seventeenth Infantry and a telegram is read to us which states that General Miles with strong reenforcements will be with us within a week. An armistice is declared. At 5 a. m. of July 5 a long line of white figures in single file are seen moving from the city in a northeasterly direction, and still another line marching in a southeasterly direction, which lines, after the light becomes stronger, prove to be women and children. At 9.30 a. m. we are relieved and march to the right and to a position distant about 800 yards from the one held this morning, but to reach it are compelled to march about 2 miles. This position is to the right of the main road which enters Santiago from the east.
The First Battalion occupies the trenches, 60 yards in length, and relieves the Fourth United States Infantry. These trenches are extended to the left, connecting with the Seventeenth Infantry, and to the right with the Seventh Infantry. At 2 p. m., July 7, the second battalion relieves the first, which is held in reserve near the aforementioned road, which entered Santiago. On July 10 the positions of the battalions are reversed. The truce ends at 4 p. m. to-day. We open fire upon the enemy. This is not replied to either on our front or that in front of the Seventh and Seventeenth Infantry.
On the morning of July 11 we are relieved by the First Illinois Volunteer Infantry and march to the right, a distance of 3 or 4 miles, and occupy a position on high ground to the north of Santiago, which overlooks the city and harbor of Santiago at a distance of about 1,100 yards. Received orders after dark from Colonel Comba to hold the First Battalion in readiness to move out and straighten our portion of the line. Two companies to act as a covering party and two to dig the rifle pits, which pits are to connect on our right with the Seventeenth Infantry and with the Seventh Infantry on our left. On account of a heavy rain, which began this afternoon and continued for twenty hours, and the darkness of the night, which prevented all investigation, the attempt is given up. We occupy this ground until our departure for Long Island, which occurred August 14, 1898.
On July 14 General Toral surrenders to us. On July 17 the official surrender takes place at 9.30 a. m.
The flag is raised over the Governor's palace in the city of Santiago at 12 mid-day. The army is paraded upon the rifle pits; at these hours cheers are given and a salute of twenty-one guns is fired.
On landing in Cuba the officers and men of the battalion take with them only what can be carried on the person.
The shelter tents of new pattern did not furnish sufficient protection from the rains, which fell almost daily while in Cuba. Officers and men lived upon hard bread, coffee, and fat bacon until some time after the official surrender. Green coffee was issued several times. Rice and beans were not obtainable in sufficient quantities until some time after our transports had entered the harbor of Santiago. Potatoes and onions were issued at rare intervals at the rate of three potatoes and one onion to a man. The canned roast beef was unpalatable and most of it
thrown away. Tentage was obtained some time after the surrender. This was left standing on the grounds. The new canvas uniforms were issued about a week or ten days before the battalion left for Montauk Point, Long Island. The field and staff officers marched on foot, using their horses as pack animals. The battalion, while in Cuba, lost by death from fever Lieutenants Elliott and Wood. Their bodies are buried in the cemetery at Santiago, Cuba, it being impossible to carry them with us because of the imperfect sealing of their coffins. Both were excellent officers and did their duty thoroughly until the fever sapped their strength.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, Twelfth United States Infantry,
Late Commanding First Battalion.
NEW YORK, N. Y., August 29, 1898
Montauk Point, Long Island.
SIR: I now have the honor to submit my report of the part taken by the second battalion of the Twelfth Infantry in the attack on the Spanish lines and stone fort at El Caney, July 1, 1898. It was impracticable for me to complete the paper at an earlier day, owing to my having been ill with malarial fever and unfitted for mental effort for the time being.
On the afternoon of June 30 the battalion marched from Sevilla with the regiment and, accompanying it, came upon the hills some 1,200 yards east of El Caney next morning. It consisted of Company E. commanded by Capt. R. K. Evans; Company F, by Capt. W. O. Clark; Company G, by First Lieut. D. J. Baker, jr.; Company H, by First Lieut. Willis Uline. Companies about 60 men each, 250 officers and men.
About 6 a. m. Captain Evans with his company was detached by the regimental commander and sent forward with orders to deploy and engage the enemy. He secured a position about 600 yards from their lines, and, taking small squads of his sharpshooters to an advanced point which afforded some shelter, he was able to command a line of trenches, and with skill and judgment encouraged his men, while suffering loss, and so directed their aim as to cripple the force in front, and aided materially in suppressing the fire upon other companies of the battalion, which soon after occupied an advanced position.
Lieutenant Baker, with G Company, was sent forward to support the first battalion of the regiment on the right, where he was engaged for a time and had several men killed. His somewhat extended line being cut into by the advance of a battalion of the Seventh Infantry, he was withdrawn and soon joined Companies F and H, which I had been directed to take into action somewhere to the front on the right of Lieutenant Elliot's company."
In carrying out this order we first cause under fire on nearing Captain Evans, and, encouraged by his success and not finding Lieutenant Elliot, who commanded B Company, nor being able to engage the enemy to advantage, we moved forward to the right and came upon a sunken road leading toward the town, when I halted the battalion behind a slight elevation within 400 yards of the village.
We suffered from the fire of the enemy while unable to correctly locate them, and a brief reconnoissance to our left disclosed several lines of barbed wire in the direction I decided on for our farther advance. I called for volunteers to cut the wires bordering the road to my left, with a view of finding a position commanding the stone fort, which at this point was not in sight.
This hazardous duty was coolly and bravely performed by Privates James W. Smith and James L. McMillen, of H Company, who cut five lines of wire in a dozen places, and opened the way for our movement, their gallant conduct receiving most hearty commendation from all present. The battalion then took position on the ridge east of the town, commanding the stone fort and part of the village, and we hotly engaged the enemy from the road and from our new lines, but our loss at this time was comparatively light.
The aim of Captain Clark's company was directed to the trenches and dense shrubbery south of the fort, from which the fire was heavy, while Lieutenant Mine's company swept the loopholes on the east and south faces of the stone work and Lieutenant Baker's Company G engaged the sharpshooters in the town and in the church tower, the fire from which points increased.

For an hour the intensity of the action rose and fell, then materially decreased, and it was evident the enemy in our immediate front could not successfully reenforce their lines.
I now proposed to attack the fort by a swift assault, but at this juncture, and in the face of sharp fire from the Spaniards, with great bravery Lieut. F. L. Winn, the regimental adjutant, arrived on the field bearing orders for me to withdraw the battalion and join the commanding officer on the hills in rear, from which place our advance had first been directed, but, on my informing him that we occupied a position of decided advantage and nearer the enemy than any other troops, the order was suspended, and General Chaffee, who then came up, directed that no further advance be made until his return.
About 2 p. m. Lieut. Clark Churchman, on duty with H Company, was mortally wounded while directing volley firing of his platoon upon the trenches near the fort.
It was evident at this time the enemy had secured a new position, for their fire increased and was much more effective, yet we could see that our work was accomplishing serious execution. Soon, however, the action decreased, the Spaniards having been defeated in their efforts to dislodge us.
During my brief absence from the line to visit Lieutenant Churchman, General Chaffee allowed Captain Clark to move forward with his Company F to a point nearer the Spanish trenches, where he was shielded from view of the sharp-shooters in the fort and the town. I very soon joined him, and Captain Wood, with his Company A, of the first battalion, having been ordered up from the reserve to aid in the new movement, I began the advance upon the stone fort with these two companies, and, although impeded by fallen trees, sharpened branches, and barbed-wire entanglements, its capture was soon successfully accomplished, and the fort was ours, and was used as a shelter from which to dislodge the enemy in the blockhouses and in the attack on the town.
I received the surrender of the surviving Spaniards in the trenches as we advanced, and of 1 officer and 6 men in the fort, where there were also 9 wounded and 18 dead Spaniards.
In our advance upon the fort First Lieut. Frederick S. Wild, Twelfth Infantry, commanding Company D, received permission from General Chaffee to assist our column after it had started, and they joined us with great speed, although the company here met with its severest loss of the day. Captain Evans and his company also joined the battalion at the fort in the attack upon the town. Corporal Myers, of his company, sprang upon the wall and bravely waved the national flag, and Private Joseph Abel, of E Company, climbed to the roof of the fort and waved the regimental colors in the face of sharp fire until called from his perilous position. A detachment of this company entered the town in advance of other troops, and under Sergeant Feldcamp and Corporal Estabinean intercepted the retreat of General Vara del Rey and three members of his staff, all mounted, and on their further attempts to escape and refusal to surrender, shot them.
At the conclusion of the engagement Companies E and G were detailed to collect the prisoners, bury the dead at the fort, and aid in guarding the town. It was now nearly sunset. On the approach of night the battalion joined the regiment, and we withdrew some distance to cook our first meal for twenty-eight hours.
Our casualties have already been given in report of the regimental commander. About four rifles in each company became disabled by having a part broken or overheating in their continuous fire, and were otherwise damaged during the action. I enjoined special care in the expenditure of the rifle ammunition, which averaged about 80 rounds per man. After our first contact with the Spanish forces I placed the reserves upon the firing line.
I desire to call special attention to the gallantry, courage, and skillful efforts of Capt. Robert K. Evans, commanding Company E, in suppressing the fire of the enemy in the trenches on the southern front of the stone fort, in positions which called for great personal fearlessness;
To the coolness and bravery of Capt. Wallis O. Clark, commanding Company F, which qualities he imparted to his men while directing the fire upon the outposts of the enemy's stronghold, and to his splendid gallantry in leading his company, which was in the advance in the final charge upon the work;
To the excellent judgment evinced by First Lieut. David J. Baker, jr., commanding Company G, in guiding and protecting his men under heavy fire, and most gallantly supporting the attack on the Spanish lines, and for his high conception of military duty in the capture and care of Spanish prisoners, 130 of whom he guarded and turned over, without accident, on the morning of July 2, to the commanding general of the Fifth Corps;

To First Lieut. Willis Uline, commanding Company H, for the courage and daring displayed by him in placing his company in most advantageous position under heavy fire, to which he was repeatedly exposed, while carefully protecting his men;
To Lieut. Glen. H. Davis, on duty with Company G, whose cool courage and soldierly bearing under heavy fire were conspicuous.
To Lieut F. Wilson Smith, my battalion for his untiring devotion to duty, which called for almost constant movement along our lines, exposing him alone to heavy fire when others were protected, the highest commendation is recommended.
Attention is drawn to the memory of the late Lieut. Clark Churchman; ill for several days before the engagement, entering it against the surgeon's advice, and receiving a mortal wound. His courage and spirited action under fire are deserving of highest admiration.
The memory of the late First Lieut. William Morton Wood, Twelfth Infantry, on duty with D Company, for his courageous action in the final assault on the stone fort at El Caney, will ever be held in high esteem and cherished with affection by the regiment.
To Capt. Palmer U. Wood, commanding Company A, and to First Lieut. Fredrick S. Wild, commanding Company D, and also to Lieut. A. T. Smith, on duty with Company A, for their intrepid courage and valuable aid in supporting Captain Clark in the advance upon the stone fort great praise should be given.
To the brave and faithful men in the ranks, not one of whom failed in courage or duty, the attention of superior authority is respectfully invited.
The spirit which prompted the courageous act of Privates Smith and McMillen in cutting the wires pervaded the whole command, and every perilous duty was performed with the utmost cheerfulness and alacrity.
Prominent for all qualities that make a true soldier, and conspicuously brave, was First Sergt. John B. Murphy, of Company H, Twelfth Infanty, whose conduct and heroism were worthy of an officer of any rank.
Very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant,
Captain, Twelfth. Infantry, Commanding Second Battalion.
SIR.: I have the honor to report the movements of Company B, Twelfth Infantry, in action at El Caney, Cuba, July 1, 1898.
The company, marching behind Company A, was second in the First Battalion, and Company A, taking position on the line marked A, Company B continued on to the next elevation while being put in position by First Lieut. Arthur Johnson, Seventeenth Infantry, aid-de-camp to the brigade commander. A volley was fired by the enemy in front. I could not see whence the volley was fired at the moment, but believe it was from the stone blockhouse, about 700 yards distant. Dropping into the bushes, the wire fence on our right was cut in several places and the company sheltered itself in the bushes on the ridge. The men in rear (it was advancing in single file and quite rapidly) dropped in the bush to the right rear. For a time the company remained where it was, until, other companies arriving in the general line, it was advanced to the line of the ridge, Lieutenant Weins, the adjutant, conducting the advance. The men in rear were advanced on the general line of the head and opened fire on the enemy intrenched at the stone blockhouse and detachments in the town. In a short time Private Bratton was shot in the head; Private Smith and Private John Taylor in the foot, from a blockhouse on the right flank. The men in the open were withdrawn to the ridge, and a sharpshooter fire was kept up during the remainder of the time of occupation of the ridge on the intrenchments at the stone blockhouse. There was a sharp cross-fire from the two blockhouses referred to above the while.
After the assault on the stone blockhouse, the company was ordered by the regimental commander to advance to that place, which it did by the road, and was then held intact in reserve. The action began about 7 a. m. and ended about 4 p. m. At about 2.30 p. m. I was informed that the adjutant desired to see me at the rear of the ridge. On going there to see him I met General Chaffee, who told me to keep the position I had.

Private Bratton, I believe, died on July 2. Private John Taylor came under my notice especially for his pluck in bearing his wound and his disinclination to have others risk themselves by exposure in his relief.
The position, by reason of its limited capacity, made it difficult to observe the entire company, but so far as I knew all did well. At one time, early in the action, we were fired into from the rear by some troops getting into position. Private Smith returned to duty July 6.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
First Lieutenant, Twelfth United Slates Infantry, Command Company B.
SIR: In compliance with verbal directions of the regimental commander, I submit the following statement of the part taken by Company C, Twelfth Infantry, in the fight at El Caney, Cuba, July 1, 1898: Number of men engaged, 1 captain, 1 second lieutenant, and 61 enlisted men; total, 63.
C Company deployed as skirmishers on right of A Company, and left of E Company, A Company occupying the hill behind which deployment of regiment was made, and advanced toward the enemy's main work, consisting of strong stonework and trenches. From a reference to the rough sketch accompanying this an idea can be obtained of the movements of the company. From the first deployment of the company until the enemy's works were captured, nine hours, the company was continuously under fire, nearly all this time being exposed both to direct fire from the work B and a cross fire from the town, and, in its second position, to a flank fire from the blockhouse D. Indeed, the fire from this blockhouse D, distant some 1,200 to 1,400 yards, was most effective. Immediately after deploying I found myself in a dense underbrush, through which it was almost impossible to make one's way. In seeking an opening through which to advance, I came upon the left-hand sunken road, barbed-wire fence on both sides. I had no previous knowledge of this road. Had the wire cut in a number of places, assembled the company on the road, and moved in double time along the road to the front, seeking a position from which fire could be delivered on the enemy; found such place at first position on sketch; delivered effective volleys at 400 yards elevation of sights; saw
number of enemy knocked over in trench; had three men wounded; sent Lieutenant Dove along road to reconnoiter for better position; he selected knoll farthest advanced of any companies of the regiment, and called to me to bring the company up to its second position. I did so, and upon arrival found that Lieutenant Dove had just been wounded. The position was an admirable one for delivering fire, but it, like first position, was exposed to galling fire from the distant blockhouse D. Three men were wounded here, and I decided to retire to my first position, sending Lieutenant Dove and two of the wounded men to the hospital, near where we deployed. Arrived at first position, I sent word to Captain Evans, who was on my right, that my ammunition was running low and I wished to take better care of the wounded. The wounded had been attended to by use of the first-aid bandages, which were invaluable. Captain Evans came up, and withdrew along the sunken road, carrying the remainder of the wounded. One of the carriers was wounded in the leg while moving along this road. Arrived near the junction of the two sunken roads, I found a Hospital Corps outfit and left my men there. I here received orders to report to Colonel Comba, on the other road, which I did, and while talking to him another man of the company was wounded. I received orders to proceed along this second road to the ridge overlooking the town, where all the companies of the regiment were to be assemble. I proceeded to the paint indicated and reported to Brigadier-General Chaffee, the brigade commander, who placed my company in reserve, remarking that "It has had a hard day's work." The General placed me in command of that portion of thee ridge in my front occupied at the time by G Company, Lieutenant Baker, and directed me to keep up a sharpshooter fire on the town and the blockhouse to the front and right, both with G Company and my own company. While in this position one man of my company was killed. Shortly afterwards companies of the Twelfth Infantry assaulted the work and captured it, thus terminating the affair of the day.
A hospital was established on the sunken road at the point where we left it to occupy the ridge, and to this hospital all my wounded were transferred immediately after the fight; the man killed was also carried to this point and his remains turned over to the officer in charge for interment.
After the fight the regiment was assembled on high ground not far from the point where it had deployed in the morning, and was engaged in getting supper when orders were issued to pack up and prepare to march at once. The company did so, and subsequently marched all night and was under fire the next day until evening before getting coffee. This does not belong to the operations of the 1st, but as corollary thereto illustrates what American soldiers can and do bear uncomplainingly. The company was put in march at 4 p. m., June 30, marched 3 miles, bivouacked without fires, rose before dawn, and marched 1 1/4 miles, fought nine hours steadily, marched all night of July 1, and went into action on July 2; during all of which time it did not have any coffee at all, and but little time to eat the hard bread and raw bacon in the haversacks. I may be pardoned for dwelling on this, but as the action of July 1 was the first time under fire for most of us I think I may be forgiven for speaking of the manner in which the men comported themselves. While I speak in all praise of the members of the company generally I take pleasure in mentioning specially Lieutenant Dove for gallantly exposing himself reconnoitering, climbing a tree, exposed to fire, for this purpose; First Sergeant Carroll for gallantry in exposing himself to hot fire to secure a more advantageous position from which to fire on individuals of the enemy; Sergeant Van Horn for similar service; and Sergeant Eckert for voluntarily remaining on watch, exposed to fire, when company was withdrawn temporarily from firing position to enable the rifles to cool. The following is the roll of honor in killed and wounded on July 1, 1898: Killed, Private Lehr ; wounded, Second Lieutenant Dove, Corporal Perry, Privates James, Johnson, Trimmer, Hatch, Little, Grothe, and Wilner.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Twelfth Infantry, Commanding Company C.
Company deployed on slope of hill A ; advanced rapidly along sunken road passing between A and B to first position, then advanced to second position ; withdrew to first position ; relieved by E Company (Captain Evans) and withdrew
to point where wounded were left ; reported to Colonel Comba on second sunken road ; passed along said road to third position, where reported to General Chaffee, commanding brigade. Company was ordered in reserve on the ridge at third
position, captain being placed in command of that portion of ridge occupied by G Company (Lieutenant Baker) with orders to keep up sharpshooter fire on town. Remained there until termination of engagement by assault on work B.
MILLARD F. WALTZ, Captain, Twelfth Infantry, Commanding Company C.
July 5, 1898.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by Company D, Twelfth United States Infantry, in the action against El Caney, Cuba, on July 1, 1898. From the time the action began until about 2.30 p. m. the company was posted on a hill fronting the left face of the blockhouse and the trench directly in front of it, and about 800 yards distant, during which time the company was exposed to the enemy's fire almost continuously. About 2.30 p. m. the company was ordered to proceed to the left and follow a sunken road leading to within a short distance from the blockhouse. From the road the company turned into a field to the left, and shortly after advanced to the foot of the hill upon which the blockhouse was situated, and then, in company with Companies A and F, Twelfth Infantry, assaulted the blockhouse and took it. After the capture of the blockhouse Company D took post on the right of the building and fired upon the Spanish troops in the town below until the action was over. The loss to the company during the engagement was five men wounded, two of which very seriously. I wish to specially commend the action of First Sergt. Daniel Arundell in fearlessly exposing himself and taking post where he could more clearly fire upon the enemy, during which he was badly wounded.
Very respectfully,
First Lieutenant, Twelfth Infantry, Commanding Company D.
July 7, 1898.
SIR: Pursuant to instructions from regimental commander, I have the honor to submit the following report on the part taken by Company E, Twelfth Infantry, in the attack on El Caney, July 1.
The company first deployed on a high ground about 1,000 yards in front of the east face of Stone Fort at about 6.30 a. m. The company then advanced down the slope into a valley covered with brush and up a slight slope into a road running
from northeast to southwest, crossed this road and took a position screened from sight, but not covered, at 600 yards from east face of Stone Fort and rifle pit in front of it. This rifle pit was immediately in front of fort and would hold 25 men. At this point Sergeant Barnett and several of the best shots in company kept up a constant fire on individuals running back and forth carrying ammunition, and several were seen to fall.
About 10 o'clock the regimental commander ordered the company to advance. The firing line, consisting of first platoon, under Sergeant Barnett, advanced about 100 yards; the support, second platoon, under Sergeant Feldcamp, remained in second position. The company left their blanket rolls at this point. The firing line lay down at 500 yards and opened fire. The left of the line was partly concealed by small underbrush, but the right was plainly exposed to fire. Almost immediately after taking this position Corporal Allen was wounded in the right elbow and a moment later in the left heel, Private Moore was shot throught the fleshy part of right leg, and Private Redmond had his left arm broken below the shoulder. All these men were on right of company in the exposed part of line under a large tree; at the same time Corporal Behls, of the support, was wounded in the leg. I had the wounded men carried back to the sunken road an placed in a position out of fire.
About noon, having been informed that Captain Waltz had a good position to my left, and had nearly exhausted his ammunition, I withdrew the company to the road, marched down it about 500 yards and occupied Captain Waltz's position. There was a good cover for two squads and a fair fire on the long rifle trench. We were at an angle of 50 degrees and a range of 450 yards, and here I fired two squads at a time, firing one round at will, each squad firing 10 shots and was then retired.
About 2 o'clock received orders from regimental commander to join him. I reported to him on hill northwest of Stone Fort immediately before the final assult was made on the Stone Fort, Company E following F and H.
During firing from village Private Cockrell was wounded in the face by fragments of stone driven by a bullet and Private Gideon was wounded in the arm by a glancing bullet. The Colonel ordered the colors waved from the top of the fort. Corporal Meyers climbed up on the roof and waved the flag. While doing so a hot fire was poured upon him from the village. Later Private Abele stood upon the roof and waved the national colors. A heavy fire was opened on him from the church and churchyard. As Private Abele's action in climbing on the roof was voluntary and at great risk to life, he is deserving of special mention.
E Company was then ordered to take charge of the fort and prisoners. A number of soldiers and other persons, apparently citizens, came and surrendered. Hundreds of women and children left the village and wished to surrender themselves. I ordered them back, assuring them they would be protected at home.
The spanish wounded were cared for by our people, som of the members of E Company showing great kindnessand sympathy. I caused the Spanish prisoners to bury the own dead in the long rifle pit. There are eleven soldiers and one officer, the officer in the northeast end of trench.
About 7 o'clock Company G, under Lieutenant Baker, relieved us at the fort. The company then marched back for its blanket rolls, many of which were lost, having been taken for wounded. The arms and equipments of the wounded and of the men left in charge of them were lost. The company rejoined the regiment and marched at 9 o'clock to the left of the line.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
R. K. Evans,
Captain, Twelfth Infantry, Commanding Company E.
July 8, 1898.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of operations of Company F in the combat at Caney, near this place, July 1 last:
Company arrived in vicinity of stone blockhouse as part of Second Battalion (Haskell's). After some maneuvering it reached a position behind a hedge about 450 yards east of blockhouse about 11 a. m. It remained there firing on blockhouse during the fight. Between 3 and 4 p. m. the company, one by one, sneaked into the dead space in a ravine immediately in front of its position behind the hedge. About 4 p. m., at the suggestion of General Chaffee, brigade commander, the company advanced up the southeast slope to the blockhouse supported by Company A, Twelfth Infantry. No resistance was met during the advance. Three armed Spaniards were found in the trench in front of blockhouse. They
surrendered. Nine men and one officer (Second Lieutenant Canalda) were captured inside the blockhouse. Soon after other troops followed and a vigorous fire was received from the town, which was duly returned. The firing finally ceased about 4.30, I judge, and the battle was ended.
Casualties in Company F : Behind the hedge—First Sergeant Miller and Private Scott, killed; Corporal Schendelmeyer, wounded. At the blockhouse—Sergeant Wilson and Private Gering, killed. In the ravine (fire from town)—Private Moore, wounded.
Respectfully submitted.
Captain, Twelfth Infantry, Commanding Company F.
July 7, 1898.
SIR: I have the honor to submit report of part taken by G in operations June 30 to July 2, inclusive:
June 30.-Marched and bivouacked with the regiment. July 1.—
When the regiment engaged, G deployed and moved into the valley to come in on the right of B. A mucky pond, crossed by a wire fence, was gotten through with difficulty. The company was fired on, probably from trees, as soon as it emerged. The second section went into the "sunken road" and supported B; first and third sections crossed the other road and tried to keep down the fire of the blockhouse; the fourth section, on a rise to the right, also engaged it. The country was very close and none of these three bodies were in sight of each other. Duriug this time Private Hopkins, in the fourth section, was wounded; in the first and third sections Sergeant Dahl and Private Kelly were killed, and Private Wharton and a private of the Seventh Infantry, who fought with us, were wounded. After the advance of the Seventh Infantry masked our fire, all that could be reached were drawn to the left and joined the second section, but a number had mixed and fought with the Seventh Infantry. Remained in "sunken road" some time; when H and F moved to left and engaged the stone fort; some of G were moved to a rise in the road to keep down the enemy's fire in front; the remainder lay down in support of F. While her others worked in from the right and rejoined the company; afterwards were moved to right front and, with a portion of F, engaged in a fire firght with the town of Caney, lining and embankment topped by a hedge. Here Privates Hope, Livain, and Whitman were wounded. When the portion of F joined its company, preparatory to assaulting the stone fort, C supported G. Its commander took general charge and placed most of his company in the firing line. Most of the missing rejoined during this firing and took part in it. After the fight G got their packs and relieved E, outposted at the stone fort. Captured arms were broken, ammunition burried, 10 wounded prisoners carried to the Seventeenth Infantry hospital, and food obtained for the others from town. At 10 p.m., with 140 prisoners, followed the regiment.
July 2.—Bivouacked with a company of Seventh Infantry between 12 and 1 a. m. At 3.30 a. m. was ordered forward to join the regiment; taking the directions of guides and others, arrived at corps headquarters about 9 a. m., prisoners were turned over, and coffee made. At 9.45 a. m., hearing that the regiment was engaged, the company left 5 sick and marched to join it, which it did at 11.45 a. m. This march of worn-out men, under a hot sun, along a road encumbered with ghastly burdens, much of the way under fire, was a strain on all, which they bore well. After resting, G was placed in support of H. At 5 p. m. H moved to the right and G replaced it in the treanches. In the fire fight that evening Corporal Ryan and Private Bell were slightly wounded. The rest of the night was spent in intrenching.
D. J. Baker, Jr.,
First Lieutenant, Twelfth Infantry, Commanding Company G.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of Company H, Twelfth Infantry, on July 1 near Caney, a subpost north of east of Santiago :
After doing picket duty on the night of June 30–July 1 the company, at 4 a. m., moved forward and occupied the crest about 1,500 yards southeast of the town, and remained there until the regiment moved up. Taking our place in the regiment, we moved forward, under cover, to a point about 1,000 yards east of the stone fort, where we laid aside equipments and prepared for action. Shortly after 8 o'clock, in obedience to instructions from the regimental commander, we moved north in single file to a sunken road, which runs almost due east from Caney. In passing through an open space just north of the hill where the deployment was made Private Palmer was wounded. We reached the road without further casualties, and moved in single file to a point within 250 yards of Caney, where we halted, for we found ourselves between our own troops and the enemy, and the bullets were very thick over our heads. Here we remained for an hour or more. After a time the firing lulled somewhat, and Privates McMillan and Smith went forward toward the blockhouse, crawling on hands and knees, and cut four wire fences. In the meantime the firing increased again and the bullets flew thickly over them. When they came back McMillan reported to me that we could get a position nearer the stone fort or blockhouse. He and I went forward, moving under cover to the left, and I selected the position behind some rocks, marked A. At 10.30 I moved the company forward and occupied this position, not over 400 yards front the stone fort, until 3 p. m., under constant fire from the fort, the stream below it, and the high buildings in town. Lieutenant Churchman was mortally
wounded about 12 o'clock, while directing the fire of his platoon. We kept up a strong fire from this point until the fire ceased from the blockhouse and an assault
was made possible. Captain Clark, with Company F,. was on our right at B, he having occupied this point at the same time we went into A.
Very respectfully,
First Lieutenant, Twelfth. Infantry, Commanding Company H.